That the Parliament congratulates the Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights on the launch of its first public-facing service, Advocacy for Race Equality in Schools Scotland (AdRESS), which, it believes, is a vital service to support parents and carers of children who are experiencing or have experienced racism in a school environment in Scotland, and understands that the service will provide important information, advice, advocacy, signposting and referral as appropriate to the cases, with phone lines opening from 18 November 2024, which it considers will progress the work to achieve race equality in Scotland.
Supported by:
Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Ariane Burgess, Stephanie Callaghan, Maggie Chapman, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Bill Kidd, Monica Lennon, Fulton MacGregor, Liam McArthur, Stuart McMillan, Paul O'Kane, Emma Roddick, Mark Ruskell, Kevin Stewart, Paul Sweeney