That the Parliament congratulates Carers Scotland on the launch of its Carer Positive 10th Anniversary Awards; understands that the award winners will be announced at an evening drinks reception at the Edinburgh City Chambers on 13 November 2024; appreciates that these awards will celebrate the very best practice seen over the last 10 years from a wide range of organisations across Scotland, and will be an opportunity to give recognition to employers that have led the way in this field; acknowledges the work that Carers Scotland does to give a voice to carers in Scotland and deliver lasting change; notes that the 10th Anniversary Awards are open to all employers that have already been recognised as a Carer Positive Employer, and wishes all the best to all the organisations that enter.
Supported by:
Sharon Dowey, Liam Kerr, Paul Sweeney, Evelyn Tweed, Tess White