That the Parliament celebrates the successful launch of Highland People’s Power on 2 November 2024 at the Spectrum Centre in Inverness; acknowledges the organisation’s vision to create a better energy industry in the Highlands and Scotland, one that benefits communities, workers, businesses, and the environment; understands that its aim is for the majority of energy generation in the Highlands to be owned and managed by local communities within 25 years, with 100% of the benefits distributed equitably across the region; commends its efforts to support communities in pursuing shared ownership of energy generation, including solar, wind, hydro and battery storage; recognises its commitment to distributing returns from energy projects into regional priorities, such as fuel poverty, housing and public services; applauds its dedication to building community wealth by using local businesses and suppliers, and keeping profits within the region through community ownership and control; notes that Highland People Power is planning a roadshow to speak to communities around the region; highlights what it sees as the importance of community-owned renewable energy in addressing fuel poverty, particularly in rural Scotland, where 36% of households are reportedly affected, and believes that this model is inspired by and can inspire similar initiatives across Scotland.
Supported by:
Karen Adam, Clare Adamson, Colin Beattie, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Fulton MacGregor, Gillian Mackay, Ruth Maguire, Stuart McMillan, Audrey Nicoll, Emma Roddick, Mark Ruskell, Kevin Stewart, Paul Sweeney, Elena Whitham