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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Clearing the Air: Transport + Lung Health

  • Submitted by: Mark Ruskell, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Green Party.
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 24 October 2024
  • Motion reference: S6M-15017
  • Current status: Fallen

That the Parliament welcomes the publication of Asthma + Lung UK Scotland’s report, Clearing the Air: Transport + Lung Health; notes that the report contains 10 recommendations for the Scottish Government, local authorities and key policymakers; notes that it outlines how it considers air pollution impacts lungs and the rest of the body, the lung health of children and other vulnerable groups, and the associated health inequalities, while discussing air pollution levels in Scotland and how the quality of Scotland’s air is monitored; understands that Scotland is meeting the legal limits for nitrogen dioxide and fine particulate matter, which are two pollutants of concern for people living with lung and other health conditions; believes that air pollution is the greatest environmental threat to public health, and welcomes the campaigning by Asthma + Lung UK Scotland and the Healthy Air Scotland coalition to tackle air pollution and the impact of this on the health of people and the planet.

Supported by: Ariane Burgess, Maggie Chapman, Kenneth Gibson, Patrick Harvie, Bill Kidd, Gillian Mackay, Audrey Nicoll, Lorna Slater, Paul Sweeney, Elena Whitham