That the Parliament notes with regret the reported reduction to school buses in North Lanarkshire; understands that, following the reported reduction, pupils who live less than three miles from school have to walk or get a service bus; notes that there have been reports of buses not stopping or being too full for pupils to get on; recognises that some parents believe that many of the proposed alternative walking routes are unsuitable, especially during the winter where some are unlit; understands that there are plans to extend this reduction to include primary school pupils; congratulates parents from across North Lanarkshire on their campaign, and notes the calls on the Scottish Government to engage with North Lanarkshire Council to urgently resolve this issue, and to work with all local authorities to ensure that travelling to school is safe and affordable, including through school transport guidance, the promotion of municipal bus provision and ambitious investment in safe active travel routes to school.
Supported by:
Clare Adamson, Ariane Burgess, Alexander Burnett, Stephanie Callaghan, Maggie Chapman, Ross Greer, Patrick Harvie, Fulton MacGregor, Mark Ruskell, Graham Simpson, Lorna Slater, Annie Wells, Brian Whittle