That the Parliament recognises that 10 October is World Mental Health Day; understands that 2024's theme is workplace mental health and aims to highlight the importance of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace; acknowledges that whilst the workplace can be a positive place that gives people a sense of purpose and can offer new opportunities, it also has potential to cause stress, anxiety or contribute to existing mental health issues; considers that, although mental health and wellbeing issues may arise or manifest in the workplace, mental health is a multi-faceted issue that can transcend a person’s personal and working lives and, as such, a holistic approach to treating and preventing mental health issues is required to ensure that people are fully supported; welcomes the opportunity brought by this year’s World Mental Health Day to talk about this aspect of mental health and wellbeing, and encourages individuals, organisations and businesses to engage in open conversations about mental health and do their bit to tackle mental health stigma.
Supported by:
Karen Adam, Jackie Baillie, Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Ariane Burgess, Alexander Burnett, Foysol Choudhury, Katy Clark, Sharon Dowey, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Tim Eagle, Kenneth Gibson, Pam Gosal, Christine Grahame, Dr. Sandesh Gulhane (Registered interest)
, Emma Harper, Bill Kidd, Monica Lennon, Fulton MacGregor, Gillian Mackay, Ben Macpherson, John Mason, Liam McArthur, Stuart McMillan, Marie McNair, Pauline McNeill, Audrey Nicoll, Paul O'Kane, Emma Roddick, Alex Rowley, Colin Smyth, Alexander Stewart, Kevin Stewart, David Torrance, Sue Webber, Annie Wells, Tess White, Martin Whitfield, Brian Whittle