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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Revision to Business Programme

  • Submitted by: Jamie Hepburn, Cumbernauld and Kilsyth, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Wednesday, 28 August 2024
  • Motion reference: S6M-14246
  • Current status: Due to be taken in the Chamber on Tuesday, 03 September 2024

That the Parliament agrees to the following revisions to the programme of business for—

(a) Tuesday 3 September 2024—


followed by Scottish Government Business

and insert

followed by Ministerial Statement: Community Cohesion

followed by Ministerial Statement: Scottish Government Pre-Budget Fiscal Update

followed by Ministerial Statement: Gender Identity Healthcare for Young People – Update and New National Standards

followed by Ministerial Statement: Clyde and Hebrides Ferries - Provision, Service and Harbours Update

followed by Ministerial Statement: Mobile Phones and Behaviour and Relationships in School


5.00 pm Decision Time

and insert

5.05 pm Decision Time

(b) Wednesday 4 September 2024—


followed by Scottish Government Business

and insert

followed by First Minister’s Statement: Programme for Government 2024-25

followed by Scottish Government Debate: Programme for Government 2024-25

(c) Thursday 5 September 2024—


followed by Scottish Government Business

and insert

followed by Scottish Government Debate: Programme for Government - Eradicating Child Poverty