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Oor Wee Cafe Wins Tackling Poverty Award

  • Submitted by: Annabelle Ewing, Cowdenbeath, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 27 June 2024
  • Motion reference: S6M-13813

That the Parliament congratulates the volunteers at Oor Wee Cafe, in Kelty, on their recent success in winning the Tackling Poverty Award at the Fife Voluntary Action Awards; understands that the cafe was born out of a community need, when a group of individuals approached Fife Council for support as they wanted to create an accessible and affordable cafe, a welcoming space for local residents to meet and support one another while enjoying healthy home cooked food, while also trying to eliminate food wastage; thanks Fife Council and Kelty Community Centre for all the support that they have provided to Oor Wee Cafe since its opening in August 2018; understands that, on average, over 50 people attend the cafe every week; recognises that agencies such as Citizens Advice, Fife Law Centre and Social Security Scotland have held clinics there to support individuals; believes that Oor Wee Cafe is a shining example of community spirit and resilience, and wishes it all the very best for the future.

Supported by: Clare Adamson, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Stephanie Callaghan, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Audrey Nicoll, Ash Regan, Kevin Stewart, Paul Sweeney, David Torrance