That the Parliament congratulates the Leighton Library Trust, in Dunblane, on the re-opening of the Leighton Library on 25 May 2024; understands that the Leighton Library was founded in 1687, following the death of Robert Leighton, former Bishop of Dunblane, who bequeathed his books and money to build the library; congratulates the team of volunteers who have fundraised tirelessly to complete extensive restoration works to the library, and who will run it moving forward; recognises what it considers to be the value of this small, independent, library in preserving the history and heritage of Scotland; appreciates its ongoing work to share this with local schools as well as the wider public, and wishes it continued success for the future.
Supported by:
George Adam, Karen Adam, Clare Adamson, Alasdair Allan, Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Stephanie Callaghan, Maggie Chapman, Jackie Dunbar, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Annabelle Ewing, Murdo Fraser, Kenneth Gibson, Emma Harper, Bill Kidd, Rona Mackay, Ruth Maguire, Audrey Nicoll, Ash Regan, Alex Rowley, Alexander Stewart, Kevin Stewart, Paul Sweeney, Michelle Thomson, Evelyn Tweed, Tess White