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Victim Support Scotland Volunteer Recruitment Campaign

  • Submitted by: Paul O'Kane, West Scotland, Scottish Labour.
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 23 May 2024
  • Motion reference: S6M-13297

That the Parliament supports the national campaign launched by Victim Support Scotland on 20 May 2024 to recruit more than 200 volunteers across Scotland; considers that volunteers provide an essential part of the criminal justice system by supporting victims and witnesses of crime; understands that more volunteers are needed across Scotland to ensure that Victim Support Scotland can continue to deliver what it considers to be vital services to the people who need it most; understands that the campaign is urging people living throughout Scotland to sign up to become a volunteer to help deliver much-needed emotional and practical support to people who need it; further understands that Victim Support Scotland provides a range of bespoke, personal support to individuals and families dealing with the impact of crime in Scotland, including advice on court visits to help demystify the process, signposting specialist or professional support services or just being there to listen; notes that volunteers receive comprehensive hands-on training and day-to-day support to ensure that they have the skills and resources to provide the support that is required, and wishes everyone involved in the campaign every success in meeting recruitment targets.

Supported by: Sharon Dowey, Paul Sweeney