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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Urgent Action to Tackle Climate Change

  • Submitted by: Maurice Golden, North East Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.
  • Date lodged: Monday, 29 April 2024
  • Motion reference: S6M-13008
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Tuesday, 14 May 2024

That the Parliament considers that tackling climate change is one of the greatest challenges that the world faces and that Scotland set world-leading targets; is disappointed at reports that the Scottish Government has no credible pathway to meet the interim 2030 target, described as too stretching with just six years left to reach it; understands that the Scottish Government has failed to meet eight of its last 12 emissions targets; notes the belief that a draft climate change plan must be introduced with the utmost urgency; further notes the view that transformational policies must be introduced to tackle, mitigate and adapt to climate change, in line with just transition principles, and considers that this process, as part of the journey to a more circular economy, will have benefits for Scotland, including communities in the North East Scotland region, as well as contribute to the global effort in tackling climate change.

Supported by: Jeremy Balfour, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Jackson Carlaw, Foysol Choudhury, Katy Clark, Sharon Dowey, Russell Findlay, Meghan Gallacher, Pam Gosal, Jamie Greene, Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Liam Kerr, Monica Lennon, Richard Leonard (Registered interest) , Liam McArthur, Edward Mountain, Douglas Ross, Graham Simpson, Alexander Stewart, Sue Webber, Annie Wells, Tess White, Brian Whittle