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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Supporting Scotland’s Culture Sector

  • Submitted by: Neil Bibby, West Scotland, Scottish Labour.
  • Date lodged: Monday, 23 October 2023
  • Motion reference: S6M-10917
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Motions as amended

That the Parliament values greatly the enormous contribution of the arts and culture sector to Scotland’s national life and economy, noting that the creative industry is estimated to be worth nearly £4.5 billion and 80,000 jobs; understands that, in common with other sectors, arts and culture organisations are experiencing significant pressure due to increases in the cost of living as a consequence of Brexit, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the actions of the UK Government; welcomes that Creative Scotland has confirmed that it has used its reserves to ensure that funding for regularly funded organisations has been maintained in 2023-24; notes that, over the last five years, the Scottish Government has provided over £33 million to Creative Scotland to compensate for a shortfall in National Lottery funding; supports the Scottish Government’s plan to more than double arts and culture funding by £100 million over the next five years; endorses the Scottish Government’s aim of working with the culture sector to implement the refreshed culture strategy action plan, and believes that the UK Government should match this stated ambition and at least double its investment in arts and culture over the same period.

Supported by: Paul Sweeney


Result 65 for, 52 against, 0 abstained, 12 did not vote Vote Passed

Scottish National Party

  • Adam, George
  • Adam, Karen
  • Allan, Dr Alasdair
  • Arthur, Tom
  • Beattie, Colin
  • Brown, Keith
  • Brown, Siobhian
  • Callaghan, Stephanie
  • Coffey, Willie
  • Constance, Angela
  • Dey, Graeme
  • Don, Natalie
  • Doris, Bob
  • Dornan, James
  • Dunbar, Jackie
  • Ewing, Annabelle
  • Ewing, Fergus
  • Fairlie, Jim
  • FitzPatrick, Joe
  • Forbes, Kate
  • Gibson, Kenneth
  • Gilruth, Jenny
  • Grahame, Christine
  • Harper, Emma
  • Haughey, Clare
  • Hepburn, Jamie
  • Hyslop, Fiona
  • Kidd, Bill
  • Lochhead, Richard
  • MacDonald, Gordon
  • MacGregor, Fulton
  • Mackay, Rona
  • Macpherson, Ben
  • Maguire, Ruth
  • Martin, Gillian
  • Mason, John
  • McAllan, Màiri
  • McKee, Ivan
  • McKelvie, Christina
  • McLennan, Paul
  • McMillan, Stuart
  • McNair, Marie
  • Minto, Jenni
  • Nicoll, Audrey
  • Regan, Ash
  • Robertson, Angus
  • Robison, Shona
  • Roddick, Emma
  • Somerville, Shirley-Anne
  • Stevenson, Collette
  • Stewart, Kaukab
  • Stewart, Kevin
  • Sturgeon, Nicola
  • Swinney, John
  • Thomson, Michelle
  • Todd, Maree
  • Torrance, David
  • Tweed, Evelyn
  • Whitham, Elena
Did not vote
  • Adamson, Clare
  • Gougeon, Mairi
  • Gray, Neil
  • Matheson, Michael
  • Yousaf, Humza

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

  • Balfour, Jeremy
  • Briggs, Miles
  • Burnett, Alexander
  • Carlaw, Jackson
  • Carson, Finlay
  • Dowey, Sharon
  • Findlay, Russell
  • Fraser, Murdo
  • Gallacher, Meghan
  • Golden, Maurice
  • Gosal, Pam
  • Greene, Jamie
  • Gulhane, Sandesh
  • Halcro Johnston, Jamie
  • Hamilton, Rachael
  • Hoy, Craig
  • Kerr, Liam
  • Lumsden, Douglas
  • McCall, Roz
  • Mountain, Edward
  • Mundell, Oliver
  • Ross, Douglas
  • Simpson, Graham
  • Smith, Liz
  • Stewart, Alexander
  • Webber, Sue
  • Wells, Annie
  • White, Tess
  • Whittle, Brian
Did not vote
  • Cameron, Donald
  • Kerr, Stephen

Scottish Labour

  • Baillie, Jackie
  • Bibby, Neil
  • Boyack, Sarah
  • Choudhury, Foysol
  • Clark, Katy
  • Duncan-Glancy, Pam
  • Grant, Rhoda
  • Johnson, Daniel
  • Lennon, Monica
  • Leonard, Richard
  • McNeill, Pauline
  • Mochan, Carol
  • O'Kane, Paul
  • Rowley, Alex
  • Sarwar, Anas
  • Smyth, Colin
  • Sweeney, Paul
  • Villalba, Mercedes
  • Whitfield, Martin
Did not vote
  • Baker, Claire
  • Griffin, Mark
  • Marra, Michael

Scottish Green Party

  • Burgess, Ariane
  • Chapman, Maggie
  • Harvie, Patrick
  • Mackay, Gillian
  • Ruskell, Mark
  • Slater, Lorna
Did not vote
  • Greer, Ross

Scottish Liberal Democrats

  • Cole-Hamilton, Alex
  • McArthur, Liam
  • Rennie, Willie
  • Wishart, Beatrice
Did not vote

No Party Affiliation

Did not vote
  • Johnstone, Alison

Original motion text

That the Parliament values greatly the enormous contribution of the arts and culture sector to Scotland’s national life and economy, noting that the creative industry is estimated to be worth nearly £4.5 billion and 80,000 jobs; recognises what many in the sector have described as a “perfect storm” of crisis in the sector, resulting from years of underfunding as well as the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the cost of living crisis; condemns the Scottish Government’s decision to break its promise to the sector not to cut Creative Scotland’s budget by 10%, and notes the furious reaction in response; notes the commitment from the Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture that Creative Scotland’s funding will be restored in 2024-25, but recognises with concern that Creative Scotland has stated that up to a third of its regularly funded organisations are at serious risk of insolvency in the short term, and over half are financially weak, which will require redundancies or other cost savings, and therefore considers that there is an urgent need for funding now; further notes the announcement made by the First Minister on 17 October 2023 to more than double arts and culture funding over the next five years, but believes that, in the current context, financial certainty for the sector is crucial; calls, therefore, on the Scottish Government to reverse the 10% budget cut to Creative Scotland with immediate effect; further calls on the Scottish Government to set out full details for its proposed increase in the arts and culture budget, including timescales for funding increases, and believes that it is essential that this is clarified ahead of the publication of a refreshed Scottish Government Culture Strategy.

Accepted amendments

Motion ref. S6M-10917.2

Supporting Scotland’s Culture Sector - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Angus Robertson, Edinburgh Central, Scottish National Party, Date lodged: Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Supported by: Christina McKelvie
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Result 65 for, 51 against, 0 abstained, 13 did not vote Vote Passed

Defeated amendments

Motion ref. S6M-10917.1

Supporting Scotland’s Culture Sector - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Alexander Stewart, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date lodged: Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Current status: Taken in the chamber on Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Result 33 for, 65 against, 19 abstained, 12 did not vote Vote Defeated