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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Active Travel Transformation

  • Submitted by: Patrick Harvie, Glasgow, Scottish Green Party.
  • Date lodged: Monday, 05 June 2023
  • Motion reference: S6M-09328
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Tuesday, 06 June 2023

That the Parliament believes that active travel can bring significant benefits for people’s health, the economy and the cost of living, and is critical for tackling the climate emergency and delivering on the commitment to reduce car kilometres by 20%; welcomes the Scottish Government’s record budget for active travel in 2023-24; recognises that this is by far the highest investment in active travel per head across the UK; welcomes the new and additional £20 million Transformation Fund going directly to delivery partners to deliver new infrastructure at pace; commends the work of local authorities, regional transport partnerships and active travel delivery partners in turning that record level of investment into changes on the ground; notes the publication of the new Cycling Framework in supporting the wider 2030 Active Travel Vision, where walking, wheeling and cycling are the most popular modes of transport for shorter everyday journeys, and looks forward to the opportunity presented by the UCI Cycling World Championships coming to Scotland in August 2023 to encourage more people to choose active travel.

Supported by: Paul McLennan, Emma Roddick, Shirley-Anne Somerville


Result 81 for, 29 against, 0 abstained, 19 did not vote Vote Passed

Scottish National Party

  • Adam, George
  • Adam, Karen
  • Adamson, Clare
  • Allan, Dr Alasdair
  • Arthur, Tom
  • Brown, Keith
  • Brown, Siobhian
  • Coffey, Willie
  • Constance, Angela
  • Dey, Graeme
  • Don, Natalie
  • Doris, Bob
  • Dornan, James
  • Dunbar, Jackie
  • Ewing, Annabelle
  • Ewing, Fergus
  • Fairlie, Jim
  • FitzPatrick, Joe
  • Forbes, Kate
  • Gilruth, Jenny
  • Grahame, Christine
  • Gray, Neil
  • Harper, Emma
  • Haughey, Clare
  • Hepburn, Jamie
  • Kidd, Bill
  • MacDonald, Gordon
  • MacGregor, Fulton
  • Mackay, Rona
  • Macpherson, Ben
  • Maguire, Ruth
  • Martin, Gillian
  • Mason, John
  • Matheson, Michael
  • McAllan, Màiri
  • McKee, Ivan
  • McKelvie, Christina
  • McLennan, Paul
  • McMillan, Stuart
  • McNair, Marie
  • Minto, Jenni
  • Nicoll, Audrey
  • Regan, Ash
  • Robertson, Angus
  • Robison, Shona
  • Roddick, Emma
  • Somerville, Shirley-Anne
  • Stevenson, Collette
  • Stewart, Kaukab
  • Swinney, John
  • Thomson, Michelle
  • Todd, Maree
  • Torrance, David
  • Tweed, Evelyn
  • Whitham, Elena
  • Hyslop, Fiona
Did not vote
  • Beattie, Colin
  • Callaghan, Stephanie
  • Gibson, Kenneth
  • Gougeon, Mairi
  • Lochhead, Richard
  • Stewart, Kevin
  • Sturgeon, Nicola
  • Yousaf, Humza

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

  • Balfour, Jeremy
  • Briggs, Miles
  • Burnett, Alexander
  • Cameron, Donald
  • Carlaw, Jackson
  • Carson, Finlay
  • Dowey, Sharon
  • Findlay, Russell
  • Fraser, Murdo
  • Gallacher, Meghan
  • Golden, Maurice
  • Gosal, Pam
  • Greene, Jamie
  • Gulhane, Sandesh
  • Halcro Johnston, Jamie
  • Kerr, Liam
  • Kerr, Stephen
  • Lumsden, Douglas
  • McCall, Roz
  • Mountain, Edward
  • Mundell, Oliver
  • Ross, Douglas
  • Simpson, Graham
  • Smith, Liz
  • Stewart, Alexander
  • Webber, Sue
  • Wells, Annie
  • Whittle, Brian
Did not vote
  • Hamilton, Rachael
  • Hoy, Craig
  • White, Tess

Scottish Labour

  • Baillie, Jackie
  • Baker, Claire
  • Boyack, Sarah
  • Choudhury, Foysol
  • Duncan-Glancy, Pam
  • Grant, Rhoda
  • Griffin, Mark
  • Lennon, Monica
  • Leonard, Richard
  • Marra, Michael
  • McNeill, Pauline
  • Mochan, Carol
  • Smyth, Colin
  • Sweeney, Paul
  • Villalba, Mercedes
  • Whitfield, Martin
Did not vote
  • Bibby, Neil
  • Clark, Katy
  • Johnson, Daniel
  • O'Kane, Paul
  • Rowley, Alex
  • Sarwar, Anas

Scottish Green Party

  • Burgess, Ariane
  • Chapman, Maggie
  • Greer, Ross
  • Harvie, Patrick
  • Mackay, Gillian
  • Ruskell, Mark
  • Slater, Lorna
Did not vote

Scottish Liberal Democrats

  • McArthur, Liam
  • Rennie, Willie
  • Wishart, Beatrice
Did not vote
  • Cole-Hamilton, Alex

No Party Affiliation

Did not vote
  • Johnstone, Alison

Defeated amendments

Motion ref. S6M-09328.1

Active Travel Transformation - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Mercedes Villalba, North East Scotland, Scottish Labour, Date lodged: Monday, June 5, 2023

Supported by: Sarah Boyack, Paul Sweeney
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Result 47 for, 63 against, 0 abstained, 19 did not vote Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S6M-09328.2

Active Travel Transformation - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Graham Simpson, Central Scotland, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date lodged: Monday, June 5, 2023

Current status: Taken in the chamber on Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Result 47 for, 63 against, 0 abstained, 19 did not vote Vote Defeated