As an amendment to motion S6M-08122 in the name of Jenny Gilruth (Women and Girls’ Safety on Public Transport), insert at end "; notes the 10th anniversary of British Transport Police’s (BTP) Text 61016 service in March 2023, and encourages people to use BTP’s free Railway Guardian app, which helps the travelling public and rail staff to report crime to BTP and offers information on what to do if people see sexual harassment on trains or at stations."
Submitted by: Jenny Gilruth, Mid Fife and Glenrothes, Scottish National Party, Date lodged: Monday, March 6, 2023
Supported by: Richard Lochhead, Michael Matheson, Màiri McAllan
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Result 51 for, 63 against, 0 abstained, 15 did not vote Vote Defeated
Submitted by: Neil Bibby, West Scotland, Scottish Labour, Date lodged: Monday, March 6, 2023
Supported by: Katy Clark, Paul Sweeney
Current status: Taken in the chamber on Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Result 51 for, 63 against, 0 abstained, 15 did not vote Vote Defeated