That the Parliament celebrates Co-op Fortnight, held from 20 June to 3 July 2022 and the UN International Day of Co-operatives on 2 July 2022; recognises that this an annual opportunity to increase the awareness of co-operatives, promote the movement's ideas and policies, and to celebrate why co-operatives are appreciated; understands that there are over 591 co-ops within Scotland and that they reportedly generate an excess of £1.5 billion in turnover; believes that co-ops offer democratic workspaces, are more resilient and play an important part in community wealth building, and congratulates Co-operatives UK, Co-operative Development Scotland, Community Shares Scotland and all Scottish co-operatives on their ongoing work to support the growth of this movement in Scotland, within all sectors, providing, it believes, an opportunity to build a better world.
Supported by:
Claire Baker, Colin Beattie, Katy Clark, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Kenneth Gibson, Bill Kidd, Monica Lennon (Registered interest)
, John Mason, Paul O'Kane, Alex Rowley, Mercedes Villalba