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Welfare Conditionality Study

  • Submitted by: Sandra White, Glasgow Kelvin, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Friday, 09 September 2016
  • Motion reference: S5M-01360
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, 02 November 2016

That the Parliament notes with concern the first wave findings of the welfare conditionality study that was carried out by researchers from several leading universities, including the University of Glasgow and was presented to MSPs on 7 September 2016; understands that it found universally-negative experiences of conditionality, which it reported as creating both “widespread anxiety and feelings of disempowerment” among service users and leading some people to turn to crime in order to survive because of the sanctions that they faced; recognises the report’s conclusion that the common thread linking stories of successful transition to work was the availability of individual support rather than the threat of sanctions; notes that the report includes what it considers to be deeply disturbing service users' accounts of the conditionality; understands that some described the system as “intimidating, dehumanising and disempowering”; congratulates the University of Glasgow and the other researchers on what it considers to be its important work, and looks forward to the next wave of findings being published.

Supported by: Tom Arthur, Neil Bibby, Bob Doris, Linda Fabiani, John Finnie, Kenneth Gibson, Jenny Gilruth, Mairi Gougeon, Christine Grahame, Clare Haughey, Richard Lyle, Fulton MacGregor, Ben Macpherson, Gillian Martin, John Mason, Joan McAlpine, Ivan McKee, Stuart McMillan, Ash Regan, Alex Rowley, David Torrance

Amendments that have not been voted on

Motion ref. S5M-01360.1

Welfare Conditionality Study - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Alison Johnstone, Lothian, Scottish Green Party, Date lodged: Friday, September 9, 2016

Supported by: John Finnie, Ross Greer, Patrick Harvie, Andy Wightman