Submitted by:
Patrick Harvie,
Glasgow, Scottish Green Party.
Date lodged:
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Motion reference: S4M-12395.2
Current status:Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, 25 February 2015
As an amendment to motion S4M-12395 in the name of Murdo Fraser (An Energy Strategy for Scotland), leave out from first “notes” to end and insert "supports an energy strategy for Scotland based on a step-change in energy efficiency, a focus on demand reduction, increased storage capacity, development of a North Sea transmission grid and a rapid transition to low-carbon power production with an emphasis on local and community ownership; notes research such as the World Wildlife Fund's Pathways to Power, which demonstrates that an almost fully renewables-based electricity generation system is technically feasible and achievable in 2030; recognises that Longannet’s age, EU emissions rules and carbon pricing mean that the closure of the plant is inevitable, and believes that this closure, coupled with recent oil price volatility, demonstrates the need to focus on a just transition for workers and communities from fossil fuels to a secure low-carbon energy system.”
Result5 for, 79 against, 30 abstained, 13 did not voteVote Defeated