Dr Filippo Fontanelli served as academic fellow on international trade law with the Scottish Parliament's Information Centre (SPICe) and adviser to the Europe and External Affairs Committee from 2018 to 2020.
"I had a terrific time at SPICe. I received a lot of help from the SPICe staff, who supervised my work and helped improve it. I also appreciate how much working with SPICe has nudged me outside the academic comfort zone, helping me address real issues and strive for clear answers that did not presume technical knowledge on the part of the audience. I would certainly recommend any researcher to consider joining this programme, and I am thankful for having been part of it."
Examples of some of Filippo’s work
Trade Podcast by The Scottish Parliament
Preparing for a no-deal Brexit: trade with EU countries
Free ports and international trade
Trade in services after Brexit – what’s on or off the table?
The United States and the European Union trading blows
The UK’s accession to the Government Procurement Agreement of the WTO – Part 1
The UK’s accession to the Government Procurement Agreement of the WTO – Part 2
Trade Agreements and their Potential Impact on Environmental Protection
Anatomy of modern Free Trade Agreements
Hildigunnur Anna Hall worked with SPICe for three months as a policy intern funded by the Economic and Social Research Council
"I very much enjoyed the internship with SPICe. It gave me an opportunity to use the skills that I've acquired during my studies outside of the academic context and equipped me with new skills that will be useful for my current and future work.
"I learned a great deal from preparing for and writing up a SPICe briefing, which involved meeting with stakeholders, familiarising myself with published policy and research materials, taking different perspectives into account and communicating my work in a concise manner. I organised a breakfast seminar, where I, alongside experts in the topic of my briefing, presented my work to MSPs and other Parliamentary staff."
Transitions of young people with service and care needs between child and adult services in Scotland
John Ferrier worked with SPICe for three months as a policy intern funded by the Natural Environment Research Council
"A policy internship at SPICe provides a unique opportunity to gain first-hand experience of the role that science and research play in informing policy. During my time with SPICe I was treated as an equal member of the team and provided with every resource to develop skills in science communication that are invaluable for any scientific career.
"Through meeting with stakeholders and answering enquiries, a SPICe internship provides a range of additional transferrable skills, whilst the briefing and blogs that are produced are of genuine use to MSPs and parliamentary staff. The researchers at SPICe create a fun, welcoming environment and are very eager for you to succeed – I would highly recommend the experience!"