To ask the Scottish Government what steps it plans to take in the current parliamentary session to improve support for Dumfriesshire farmers and secure the future of the family farm.
The Scottish Government will work with stakeholders to identify how best to improve support to farmers and crofters across Scotland throughout this parliamentary session.
Our immediate efforts will be focussed on delivering outstanding common agricultural policy (CAP) payments and providing solutions to the current payment situation.
Over the last year, the Scottish Government has held a national conversation on the future of Scottish agriculture and it is clear that many farmers and crofters have great ideas and enthusiasm for developing not only their own businesses but the industry in general and for growing the rural economy. We will listen to those farmers and crofters and work with them to identify and lift the barriers that may be holding them back.
The current CAP is now in place until 2019, but discussions and negotiations on the CAP beyond 2020 will commence in the next year or so. We will work to secure an outcome that will maximise support to farmers and crofters across Scotland, this includes securing a fairer share of the UK’s CAP budget.