Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.
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Displaying 1294 questions Show Answers
To ask the Scottish Government what assessment it has been made of electric vehicle charging installations that require upgrading; what its plans are to ensure that all electric vehicles will be compatible with the new second generation electric vehicle charging devices, and what assessment it has made to certify that all existing first generation electric vehicle chargers will be retrofitted to ensure compatibility and improve recharge speed.
To ask the Scottish Government which local authorities were chosen to participate in its Autism Strategy Evaluation; what the criteria were for choosing these local authorities, and whether unselected local authorities can request to be included in the evaluation.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-33586 by Joe FitzPatrick on 7 December 2020, whether it will provide the information that was requested regarding how many people who have died as a result of COVID-19 since 1 September 2020 had a post mortem.
To ask the Scottish Government how much additional funding care homes will receive to support them with plans for expanding COVID-19 testing for care home visitors, following the announcement on 25 November 2020 that testing for visitors will be introduced from 7 December, with a full roll-out planned for January 2021.
To ask the Scottish Government whether positive COVID-19 tests for NHS staff that result in them having to self-isolate have confirmatory retests performed.
To ask the Scottish Government at what level of population infection will the COVID-19 testing strategy change from maximising sensitivity to find every possible case in high-volume throughput laboratories to a focus on maximising specificity in low-volume laboratories with high levels of quality control in order to avoid any risk of false positive over-diagnosis and a pseudo epidemic.
To ask the Scottish Government what measures are being taken to validate positive polymerase chain reaction COVID-19 tests with an initial value greater than 25, such as a retest after 48 hours and assuming a false positive if the cycle threshold is greater than the index sample.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will implement antibody testing of everyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 since 1 September 2020 in order to confirm that the diagnoses were correct.
To ask the Scottish Government how many patient deaths in intensive care units there were between 1 September and 31 October 2020, and how this compares with each of the previous five years.
To ask the Scottish Government whether the cycle threshold for the polymerase chain reaction process being used by (a) NHS and (b) Lighthouse Labs laboratories for COVID-19 tests is known, and when this information will be made public, in light of it playing a critical role in diagnosis and the development of policy.