Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.
Urgent Questions aren't included in the Question and Answers search. There is a SPICe fact sheet listing Urgent and emergency questions.
Displaying 528 questions Show Answers
To ask the Scottish Government what progress it is making with the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine across the country.
To ask the Scottish Government what percentage of NHS staff have received the flu vaccination, and how this compares with the same period in 2019, broken down by NHS board.
To ask the Scottish Government what recent action it has taken to address any staff shortages in prisons.
To ask the First Minister what the Scottish Government's response is to IPPR Scotland research suggesting that youth unemployment could reach over 100,000 in the coming months, the highest level since records began.
To ask the Scottish Government how many housing developments have been delayed because of the absence of frontloading capital for schools infrastructure.
To ask the Scottish Government for what reason the catering equipment hire sector is not eligible for COVID-19 business (a) support grants and (b) rates relief.
To ask the Scottish Government what action it is taking to strengthen support for developing skills and training for people who lose their jobs because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
To ask the Scottish Government what planning is in place to respond to any national or localised school closures as a result of COVID-19.
To ask the Scottish Government what review it has carried out of the blended learning that took place in spring 2020, and whether this included an analysis of any discrepancies between schools in the provision of study materials and the extent of teachers’ marking of pupils’ work.
To ask the Scottish Government what barriers are preventing it from introducing the new Scottish Child Payment for all 16-year-olds and under in 2021.