- Asked by: John Mason, MSP for Glasgow Shettleston, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Current Status:
Answered by Jeane Freeman on 1 February 2017
To ask the Scottish Government how the ability to make twice-monthly payments and pay the housing element of universal credit directly to landlords compares with the current monthly payment system.
By making Universal Credit payments more flexible and adaptable we are giving people in Scotland more choice and control over how they manage their budget.
During our social security consultation, DWP’s monthly payments were repeatedly raised as a problem. Twice-monthly payments can make life a bit easier for low income households who have to make a tight budget work for them and their family.
Direct payments to landlords can also help people manage their income better, as well as providing rental security and minimising rent arrears for local authorities and landlords.
- Asked by: John Mason, MSP for Glasgow Shettleston, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 18 January 2017
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 25 January 2017
To ask the Scottish Government what its position is on GP practices in the most deprived areas receiving more resources per patient than those in less deprived areas.
Taken in the Chamber on 25 January 2017
- Asked by: John Mason, MSP for Glasgow Shettleston, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Current Status:
Answered by Aileen Campbell on 17 January 2017
To ask the Scottish Government how many retailers in Scotland have been found to be selling illicit tobacco in each of the last five years.
The numbers of people found to be selling illicit tobacco in shops, markets, pubs and online over each of the last five years are
This information has been provided by Local Authority Trading Standards Officers.
- Asked by: John Mason, MSP for Glasgow Shettleston, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 21 December 2016
Current Status:
Answered by Derek Mackay on 12 January 2017
To ask the Scottish Government what volumes of cigarettes and hand-rolling tobacco were sold in Scotland, which together generate the tobacco duty incomes set out in the GERS report, in each of the last five years.
Information on the volumes of cigarettes or hand-rolling tobacco sold in Scotland is not collected by the Scottish Government, and is not used in estimating tobacco duty in Government Expenditure & Revenue Scotland (GERS), which uses data on household expenditure on tobacco to apportion a share of UK wide revenue from tobacco duty to Scotland.
A review of sales estimates, which includes estimates of the volume of cigarettes sold in Scotland from 2008 to 2013, was published in November 2015 by NHS Health Scotland and is available at the link below:
- Asked by: John Mason, MSP for Glasgow Shettleston, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 11 January 2017
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 18 January 2017
To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with Glasgow Colleges’ Regional Board and the City of Glasgow College regarding their relationship with each other.
Taken in the Chamber on 18 January 2017
- Asked by: John Mason, MSP for Glasgow Shettleston, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Monday, 19 December 2016
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 22 December 2016
To ask the First Minister what discussions the Scottish Government has had with the UK Government regarding the proposal by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government that holders of public office should swear an oath to uphold "British values".
Taken in the Chamber on 22 December 2016
- Asked by: John Mason, MSP for Glasgow Shettleston, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 7 December 2016
To ask the Scottish Government what recent discussions it has had with Glasgow City Council regarding the hostel for homeless men, the Bellgrove Hotel.
Taken in the Chamber on 7 December 2016
- Asked by: John Mason, MSP for Glasgow Shettleston, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Monday, 28 November 2016
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 1 December 2016
To ask the First Minister, in light of comments by the Secretary of State for Scotland, what commitments the Scottish Government has received from the UK Government regarding the devolution of further powers.
Taken in the Chamber on 1 December 2016
- Asked by: John Mason, MSP for Glasgow Shettleston, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Monday, 14 November 2016
Current Status:
Taken in the Chamber on 15 November 2016
To ask the Scottish Government what consideration it has given to research carried out by Heriot-Watt University regarding ways to reduce income and other inequalities.
Taken in the Chamber on 15 November 2016
- Asked by: John Mason, MSP for Glasgow Shettleston, Scottish National Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 07 September 2016
Current Status:
Answered by Jeane Freeman on 15 September 2016
To ask Scottish Government what consideration it has given to the feasibility of a universal basic income.
Tackling poverty and inequality is a top priority for this Government, and we give serious consideration to all ideas that could help us to do so. The Universal Basic Income is an interesting concept and we will certainly pay attention to research being carried out and the different models of UBI being piloted in other countries. We also recognise that there would be significant challenges with piloting a Universal Basic Income in the devolved context, whilst we do not have full control of tax and social security.