Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.
Urgent Questions aren't included in the Question and Answers search. There is a SPICe fact sheet listing Urgent and emergency questions.
Displaying 2047 questions Show Answers
To ask the Scottish Government whether disability assistance regulations will provide a right for an individual to request a review of their award, and, if so, whether (a) the outcome of that review will and (b) the decision whether or not to review an award will attract a right of appeal.
To ask the Scottish Government how many Fair Start Scotland participants in each local authority area have reported deafness or partial hearing loss.
To ask the Scottish Government how many Fair Start Scotland participants there are in each local authority area, broken down by health condition.
To ask the Scottish Government how many Fair Start Scotland participants in each local authority area have achieved a (a) 13- and (b) 26-week job outcome, broken down by health condition.
To ask the Scottish Government what stakeholder engagement it has carried out regarding its replacement of the DWP Specialised Employment Support schemes, and with which organisations.
To ask the Scottish Government whether a parent will have to reapply for the Scottish Child Payment in 2022-23 in the event that their child, for which the parent received the under-sixes payment of the Scottish Child Payment, reaches the age of six before 2022-23.
To ask the Scottish Government whether a payment of the Scottish Child Payment for children under the age of six will continue to be paid in the event of a child reaching the age of six during (a) 2020-21 and (b) 2021-22.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S5W-21923 by Shirley-Anne Somerville on 13 March 2019, and in light of the Audit Scotland report, The 2018/19 Audit of Social Security Scotland, whether forthcoming agreements for disability and winter heating assistance will resolve the reported issue that Social Security Scotland cannot directly assess the levels of error and fraud under agency arrangements with the DWP.
To ask the Scottish Government what the mean salary is for staff in the (a) Programme Management and Delivery and (b) Chief Digital Officer division of the Social Security Directorate, broken down by grade, and how this compares with that of contingent staff.