Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.
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Displaying 1234 questions Show Answers
To ask the Scottish Government what statistical evidence it used to construct the definition of Scottish values to be used by the Expert Working Group on Welfare.
To ask the First Minister what issues will be discussed at the next meeting of the Cabinet.
To ask the Scottish Government for each of the projects referred to in its news release of 9 March 2012, Shovel ready projects, which have (a) started, and what the source of the funding was, (b) been delayed because of a lack of suitable planning permissions, (c) been included in its news release of 25 November 2012, Swinney outlines further shovel-ready projects, and under what heading and (d) been removed from the list and for what reason.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide details of what schemes will be included in the (a) cycling infrastructure, (b) ferry port infrastructure, (c) canal infrastructure, (d) Highlands and Islands Enterprise economic development, (e) Scottish Enterprise economic development, (f) VisitScotland, investment in visitor infrastructure, (g) forestry, access, road infrastructure and buildings refurbishment, (h) national parks, developing the rural economy, (i) Scottish Court Service, estate improvement, essential maintenance and statutory compliance, (j) work to Historic Scotland’s estate, (k) National Museums of Scotland, maintenance, (l) Creative Scotland, grants programme, (m) college, targeted investment in priority estates, (n) national sporting facility and (o) community hub investment projects referred to in its news release of 25 November 2012, Swinney outlines further shovel-ready projects.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it plans to provide additional guidance to community planning partnerships on the process required to reach single outcome agreements.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the statement by John Swinney on 27 November 2012 (Official Report, c. 13912), when it will inform (a) local authorities and (b) the Parliament of how much additional revenue support each council will receive in 2013-14 from the (i) £70 million available to freeze the council tax, (ii) £39 million for teacher commitments and (iii) funding floor system to keep all councils above 85% of the per capita average.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the answer to question S4W-11504 by Nicola Sturgeon on 3 December 2012, to what organisations that provide advice services on welfare and benefits it provides funding; how much funding it is providing in 2012-13, and from which budget line.
To ask the First Minister what issues will be discussed at the next meeting of the Cabinet.
To ask the Scottish Government what its definition is of the phrase "the post-Christie agenda", used in its document, Single Outcome Agreements, Guide to Community Planning Partnerships.
To ask the Scottish Government, further to the statement by John Swinney on 27 November 2012 (Official Report, c. 13912), whether it will publish a table of the average per capita provisional funding allocations for each local authority and what percentage this represents of the average per capita for Scotland (a) using the latest population figures and (b) amended to assume that no council receives more than 115% in line with Mr Swinney's statement of 8 December 2011 (Official Report, c. 4537)