To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made in discussions between it and the Scottish Post Polio Network regarding Scottish Parliament petition PE873.
Since the submission of Petition PE873 in 2007, considerable progress has been made. Scottish Government officials met representatives of the Scottish Post Polio Network (SPPN) in August 2007 to discuss how to improve service for people living with PPS in Scotland. As a result of these discussions, in early 2009 the Scottish Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee (SMASAC) agreed to set up a working group, with a remit to consider issues around the definition of the condition, the collection of robust data on its prevalence in Scotland and the development of best practice guidelines. This work is now well under way, and the working group is due to present its recommendations to SMASAC in spring 2010.
To promote awareness of the management of the condition, the Scottish Government Health Directorates have, on behalf of SPPN, issued a copy of guidance on The Late Effects of Polio produced by Queensland Health, Australia, to clinicians across NHSScotland who had indicated an interest in the subject.
Recognising also that awareness-raising should be extended to polio survivors in the community who may benefit from a better understanding of PPS and the treatment options available, the Scottish Government funded a national media campaign featuring case studies of polio survivors which ran in national and local press through September and October 2009. This has been extremely successful in promoting contact with the SPPN and thereby directing polio survivors to sources of help, advice and medical opinion/treatment. The working group will also be able to draw on a wider range of patient experience in producing its report.