To ask the Scottish Executive how it will approach the relocation of public bodies and asset management.
I am pleased to announce todaythe publication of the Report on the Review of Property Asset Management and ourapproach to the relocation of public bodies.
The main findings of the AssetManagement Review are:
The Scottish Government occupies709 buildings totalling, 723,054m2 and there is a wide variety of managementarrangements of these assets;
Two-thirds of organisations surveyeddo not have an asset management plan or strategy in place, and
There is no single IT asset datasystem that holds key data about the whole estate.
Based on these findings, themain recommendations are to:
Ensure, by end April 2008, thatall parts of Scottish Government have in place an Asset Management Plan.
Ensure that, in future, we willmaintain a single comprehensive database of property information.
Put in place a central team thatwill maintain a strategic overview of the whole estate, perform a challenge functionand identify the best opportunities for the future use property assets.
As a result of the publicationof this report, I am also announcing the Scottish Government’s approach to the locationof public service delivery organisations. The relocation policy will be taken forwardwithin the context of the government’s purpose and the five strategic objectives.It will seek to deliver better use of the government estate and ensure that opportunitiesto disperse public bodies are taken where a clear business case can be demonstrated.The policy will ensure that due account is given to the relevant environmental considerationsof the Greener Scotland programme.
The key principles of the relocationpolicy are:
Achieving efficiency and bestpractice asset management. There will be a presumption in favour of the choice representingbest value for money for the Scottish Government as a whole, providing that thismeets the requirements of the organisation, unless clear reasons for an alternativeare agreed and articulated by ministers.
In pursuing value for money onaccommodation decisions we will continue to pursue our policy of no compulsory redundancies.
Major estate management decisionsand all proposed changes of location will be overseen by Scottish ministers.
The Cabinet Secretary for Financeand Sustainable Growth will approve all new commitments, confirm location decisions,and arbitrate in any disputes relating to the existing estate.
Location and asset managementdecisions will be transparent (with the exception of commercially sensitive data)and made public, and staff and unions will continue to be consulted.
The full Report on the Reviewof Property Asset Management and our approach to the relocation of public bodiesare released today on the Scottish Government’s website.