To ask the Scottish Executive how it expects local authorities to deliver home safety awareness and other home safety initiatives.
The Scottish Government takes the issue of home safety very seriously and is committed to promoting personal and community safety as expressed by the National Performance Framework through outcome 9: We live our lives free from crime, disorder and danger. Following the Concordat with local government, funding is no longer ring fenced for specific initiatives. This allows local authorities to identify local needs and priorities and direct resources appropriately. It is therefore the responsibility of local authorities and Community Safety Partnerships (CSPs) to set safety priorities (including home safety) and to measure the impact of these activities.
At a national level, the National Community Safety Strategic Group (NCSSG), chaired by the Minister for Community Safety, brings together a range of partners to provide direction and address strategic challenges in all areas of community safety. Members of the group include the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA), COSLA, the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives and Senior Managers (SOLACE), the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS) and Chief Fire Officers Association in Scotland (CFOAS). Within this forum RoSPA plays a key role in providing strategic direction and challenge on issues of home safety.
The Scottish Government will continue to support and encourage local government in their endeavours as well as continuing to work closely with RoSPA and other agencies to reduce the number of accidents in Scotland. The Scottish Government also provides funding (£101,970 for 2009-10) to RoSPA to support a national home safety co-ordinator and home safety activities.
At a local level there are a wide range of activities which take place to improve home safety across the population. Some examples follow.
The Fife Cares Child Safety Scheme has the aim of reducing the number of accidents in the home involving children. As part of the scheme families are offered a free child safety home risk assessment.
The West Johnstone Home Safety Project which provides new and expectant parents with the ËœBuy Wise be Safe'' DVD which advises parents on a range of child safety issues to reduce unintentional injury rates in Renfrewshire.
South Lanarkshire
The Home Safety Cadet Scheme is an outreach programme which delivers a learning session specifically designed for P3 pupils. Through the programme, the profile of home safety is raised not only to pupils, but also to their families.
The Risk Factory bases it activities on the principle that learning by experiencing situations is more memorable than just being told how to act. The Risk Factory allows pupils to discover how they react to a number of different scenarios including those that focus on home safety.