- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Thursday, 10 December 2009
Current Status:
Answered by John Swinney on 11 January 2010
To ask the Scottish Executive how many nights in hotel rooms it has wholly or partly paid for but not used since May 2007.
The information requested could only be obtained at disproportionate costs. The Scottish Government Hotel Booking Agent has systems in place to allow for late cancellations.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 09 December 2009
Current Status:
Answered by Alex Johnstone on 16 December 2009
To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it plans to install charging points for electric vehicles in the Parliament garage.
There is currently one electric charging point within the Parliament garage. The point was installed for an electric motorcycle used by Lothian and Borders Police.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 09 December 2009
Current Status:
Answered by Alex Johnstone on 16 December 2009
To ask the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body whether it will assess the level of demand in the Parliament that could be served by a small pool of electric cars or scooters as an alternative to taxis and the costs and potential savings of such a pool.
The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) is due to undertake a travel to work survey before the end of April 2010 and as part of this survey we will ask a question about the demand for pool vehicles.
The SPCB has previously provided a pool car for which there was insufficient demand to make it viable. In addition, the SPCB has assessed the demand for joining the city car club and found that there was insufficient demand to justify a corporate membership.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Current Status:
Answered by Alex Neil on 26 November 2009
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S3W-23504 by Alex Neil on 11 May 2009, what proportion of the £15 million identified for the Home Insulation Scheme will be allocated to its publicity and promotion.
The Scottish Government''s Grant Offer Letter to the Energy Saving Trust is available in the Parliament''s Information Centre (Bib. number 49351).
It shows an agreed range of costs, of between £5.26 million and £5.80 million (average £5.5 million), for the delivery of services to almost 100,000 homes by the scheme''s managing agent.
Direct local marketing started in October, after the grant offer letter issued. We can therefore update you that up to around £700,000 has been earmarked within the local services costs for publicity material, local press advertising and website links and community events in each of the 10 separate areas.
It will be possible to quantify a total amount spent on marketing, publicity and promotion of the Home Insulation Scheme when the 2009-10 programme has been completed.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Monday, 16 November 2009
Current Status:
Answered by Fergus Ewing on 25 November 2009
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S3W-13639 by Kenny MacAskill on 9 June 2008, when it intends to review the Family Law (Scotland) Act 2006.
As the act is still relatively new, we are not planning a full review of the Act at this time, although we continue to monitor its impact.
Work has been carried out by other bodies in relation to aspects of the 2006 act. The Scottish Law Commission''s recent report (number 215) on succession recommended the repeal of section 29 of the 2006 act and its replacement by a new statutory regime providing succession rights for cohabitants. The commission''s report, and the government''s initial response, can be found at:
In addition, the Nuffield Foundation have provided funding to Edinburgh University to carry out a study on legal practitioners'' perspectives on the cohabitation provisions of the 2006 act. More information on this study can be found at:
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Friday, 30 October 2009
Current Status:
Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 12 November 2009
To ask the Scottish Executive what its budgeted or anticipated level of expenditure on implementing speed reductions on trunk roads is in (a) 2009-10, (b) 2010-11, (c) 2011-12 and (d) 2012-13.
I refer the member to the answer to question S3W-28548 on 12 November 2009. All answers to written parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament''s website, the search facility for which can be found at
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Friday, 30 October 2009
Current Status:
Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 12 November 2009
To ask the Scottish Executive what its budgeted or anticipated level of expenditure on the provision of community hubs is in (a) 2009-10, (b) 2010-11, (c) 2011-12 and (d) 2012-13.
I am replying to the parliamentary questions S3W-28548 to S3W-28557, each referring to individual policy measures identified in the research report
Mitigating Transport''s Climate Change Impact: Assessment of Policy Options. This report was commissioned by the Scottish Government and published in July 2009. It identifies 22 potential devolved policy measures to reduce transport emissions. These are currently being analysed as part of our wider efforts to meet the emission reduction targets within the Climate Change (Scotland) Act.
It is not possible to provide exact levels of funding for these measures across the period 2009-10 to 2012-13. For 2010-11, the Draft Budget, including £0.172 million for freight best practice, is of course still subject to Parliamentary scrutiny and approval. The budgets for 2011-12 and beyond will be determined in the light of the above analysis and once we know the outcome of the next UK spending review. This review is expected to take place in the summer and autumn of 2010. Our detailed plans for emission reductions from transport will be published next summer in our Report on Proposals and Policies.
In the current financial year there is a specific budget of £0.172 million for freight best practice and £3.5 million for Sustrans for the National Cycle Network. The funding of bus quality contracts is a matter for local authorities. In the remaining areas it is not possible to disaggregate exact levels of expenditure, though elements of some, e.g. evaluation of eco-driving training, are being funded under the sustainable and active travel budget and some cycling infrastructure is being provided within trunk road schemes being taken forward by Transport Scotland.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Friday, 30 October 2009
Current Status:
Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 12 November 2009
To ask the Scottish Executive what its budgeted or anticipated level of expenditure on the implementation of a national motoring package is in (a) 2009-10, (b) 2010-11, (c) 2011-12 and (d) 2012-13.
I refer the member to the answer to question S3W-28548 on 12 November 2009. All answers to written parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament''s website, the search facility for which can be found at
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Friday, 30 October 2009
Current Status:
Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 12 November 2009
To ask the Scottish Executive what its budgeted or anticipated level of expenditure on implementing bus quality contracts or bus statutory partnerships is in (a) 2009-10, (b) 2010-11, (c) 2011-12 and (d) 2012-13.
I refer the member to the answer to question S3W-28548 on 12 November 2009. All answers to written parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament''s website, the search facility for which can be found at
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Friday, 30 October 2009
Current Status:
Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 12 November 2009
To ask the Scottish Executive what its budgeted or anticipated level of expenditure on increasing urban density is in (a) 2009-10, (b) 2010-11, (c) 2011-12 and (d) 2012-13.
I refer the member to the answer to question S3W-28548 on 12 November 2009. All answers to written parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament''s website, the search facility for which can be found at