- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Monday, 06 September 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Nicol Stephen on 22 September 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive what the estimated security costs are from any protests that may arise from the proposed construction of the M74 northern extension.
No such costs have been estimated.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Monday, 06 September 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Nicol Stephen on 22 September 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has any estimates of the impact on health of the proposed M74 northern extension.
A health impact assessment of air quality impacts of the construction and operation of the M74 Completion scheme has been carried out. The M74 completion scheme is not assessed to have any detectable effect on the health of local residents.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Monday, 06 September 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Nicol Stephen on 17 September 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to monitor the impact on health of the proposed M74 northern extension in relation to recent research that indicates that up to a sixth of cot deaths may be directly attributable to vehicle exhaust fumes.
Vehicle emissions will be monitored following completion of the M74 to measure the impact of the new motorway on air quality.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Monday, 06 September 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Nicol Stephen on 17 September 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to monitor the impact on health of the proposed M74 northern extension in relation to Asthma UKs estimate that 3.5 million asthma sufferers in the United Kingdom state that traffic pollution aggravates their condition.
Vehicle emissions will be monitored following completion of the M74 to measure the impact of the new motorway on air quality.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Monday, 06 September 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Nicol Stephen on 17 September 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive when it expects to announce the findings of the M74 public local inquiry.
The full report of the public local inquiry has recently been received from the Scottish Executive Inquiry Reporters Unit. The reporter’s findings are now being assessed and every effort will be made to reach an early decision on the M74 proposals.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 16 June 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Frank McAveety on 24 June 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive whether rising fuel prices may impact adversely on the tourism industry and, if so, what measures it proposes in the tourism industry to address this issue.
Fuel prices are one factor that people will take into account when deciding where to go on holiday. VisitScotland and the Area Tourist Boards continue to successfully promote all parts of Scotland within our important UK and near European markets, with all areas reporting a very good start to the current year.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 09 June 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Peter Peacock on 17 June 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive how it plans to encourage schools to allow it to manage StarOffice licences on their behalf.
The recently signed agreement with SUN will allow schools access to the Star Office software under a national licence agreement. Information has already beenpassed to local authorities and further publicity has been planned throughLearning and Teaching Scotland.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 14 April 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Mary Mulligan on 22 April 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it is taking to ensure a full and varied response to its consultation on rights of appeal in planning.
We areconsulting widely. The initial distribution of the consultation paper sentcopies to a wide range of interested organisations and individuals. Theconsultation has been well publicised and we are continuing to provide copiesof the paper to anyone who requests them.
Inaddition, the consultation paper is available on the Executive’s website.
Consultationwill be an active process. We will meet our stakeholders during theconsultation period, which ends on 30 July.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 14 April 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Hugh Henry on 22 April 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive how it will evaluate the use of intermediaries to facilitate evidence giving by vulnerable witnesses.
We will carryout a detailed assessment of the evaluation of the piloting of intermediariesin England and Wales and compare it with those carried out on other schemes usedelsewhere in the world.
- Asked by: Patrick Harvie, MSP for Glasgow, Scottish Green Party
Date lodged: Wednesday, 04 February 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Margaret Curran on 12 February 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive what steps it has taken to ensure that the interests of objectors in the planning system are taken account of in its preparations for consulting on rights of appeal in planning.
We receiveregular correspondence on the issue and views previously expressed to the Executive have been taken into account as work on the forthcoming consultationhas progressed.
We set up astakeholder group to assist us in identifying the issues to be covered in ourconsultation paper. The group is made up of people from local authorities,industry bodies, trade unions, community and environmental groups, and otherplanning experts. Several members on the group have experience of raisingobjections on planning matters and have shared their views and experienceswithin the group.