NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Ayrshire and Arran have provided the following information on services which have been removed from hospitals in their areas since 1997.
Hospital Site | Year | Description of Service Move |
Acute Hospital Services |
Belvidere Hospital | 1999 | Hospital closed “ remaining elderly continuing care beds closed |
Blawarthill Hospital | 2000 | 30 elderly continuing care beds closed |
2003 | 30 elderly continuing care beds closed |
Canniesburn Hospital | 2003 | Plastic Surgery relocated to Canniesburn Unit, Glasgow Royal Infirmary |
| Oral/Maxillo-Facial Unit transferred to Institute of Neurosciences at the Southern General Hospital |
Canniesburn Unit, Glasgow Royal Infirmary | 2007 | Paediatric Plastic Surgery out-patient services re-located to Royal Hospital for Sick Children |
Cowglen Hospital | 2001 | Hospital and remaining elderly continuing care beds closed. Physical Disability Rehabilitation Unit relocated to Southern General Hospital |
Drumchapel Hospital | 2004 | 30 elderly rehabilitation beds closed (15 reopened in 2007) |
Glasgow Dental Hospital and School | 2007 | Paediatric dental services re-located to Royal Hospital for Sick Children |
Glasgow Royal Infirmary | 2007 | Haemato-oncology service moved to new Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Gartnavel |
Cardiothoracic Surgery in-patient/out-patient service moved to new West of Scotland Heart and Lung Centre, Golden Jubilee National Hospital |
Inverclyde Royal Hospital | 2003 | Dermatology in-patient service moved to Royal Alexandra Hospital*** |
Consultant-led maternity service replaced by Community Maternity Unit*** |
2006 | Cardiac Cath Lab service moved to new West of Scotland Heart and Lung Centre, Golden Jubilee National Hospital |
Lightburn Hospital | 2007 | 30 bed rehabilitation ward closed |
Mansionhouse Unit | 2008 | 30 elderly continuing care beds closed |
Merchiston Hospital | 2009 | Islay Cottage (In-patient Disability continuing care) closed and services re-provided at Southern General Hospital |
Queen Mother''s Maternity | 2009 | A number of Ante-natal services for women with low risk pregnancies moved to West Maternity Care Centre (at Western Infirmary) |
Rutherglen Maternity | 1998 | Hospital closed and in-patient obstetrics moved to Rottenrow Maternity and Southern General Hospital |
Rottenrow Maternity | 2001 | Facility closed and services moved to the new Princess Royal Maternity |
Royal Alexandra Hospital | 2008 | Dermatology in-patient service moved to Southern General Hospital |
Ruchill Hospital | 1998 | Communicable diseases service moved to Brownlee Centre, Gartnavel General Hospital |
Southern General Hospital | 2009 | Ophthalmology in-patient services moved to all-Glasgow in-patient eye service at Gartnavel General Hospital |
Stobhill Hospital | 2000 | Vascular in-patient service moved to Glasgow Royal Infirmary |
2001 | Orthopaedic in-patient elective services moved to Glasgow Royal Infirmary |
2003 | Renal in-patient service moved to Glasgow Royal Infirmary |
Ophthalmology in-patient services moved to Gartnavel General Hospital |
2004 | Gynaecology in-patient services moved to Glasgow Royal Infirmary |
2006 | ENT in-patient services moved to Gartnavel General Hospital |
Vale of Leven Hospital | 2004 | Consultant-led A & E replaced by Medical Assessment Unit and Minor Injuries Unit*** |
Consultant-led maternity service replaced by Community Maternity Unit*** |
Victoria Infirmary | 2003 | ENT in-patient services moved to Southern General Hospital |
Histopathology service moved to Southern General Hospital |
2004 | Gynaecology in-patient services moved to Southern General Hospital |
2005 | Haematology in-patient service moved to Southern General Hospital |
Acute stroke service moved to Southern General Hospital |
2008 | Microbiology lab services moved to Southern General Hospital |
Western Infirmary | 1999 | Short stay medical receiving ward closed to make way for an improved assessment area |
2000 | Dermatology in-patient service moved to Southern General Hospital |
2004 | Gynaecology in-patient services moved to Southern General Hospital |
2007 | Specialist Oncology services moved to new Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Gartnavel |
Cardiothoracic Surgery in-patient/out-patient service moved to new West of Scotland Heart and Lung Centre, Golden Jubilee National Hospital |
Mental Health and Learning Disability Services |
Gartnavel Royal Hospital | 2008 | Remaining two in-patient wards at ˜old'' Gartnavel Royal Hospital main building closed and relocated to new build Gartnavel General Hospital |
2009 | In-patient services for adolescents relocated to new build Skye House at Stobhill |
Lennox Castle | 2002 | Hospital closed |
Lenzie Hospital | 2000 | Hospital closed |
Merchiston Hospital | From 1990s | Phased reduction of Learning Disability Service*** |
Woodilee Hospital | 2001 | Hospital closed |
| | | | |
Note: ***Undertaken or initiated by NHS Argyll and Clyde.
Hospital Site | Year | Description of Service Move |
Ballochmyle Hospital, Cumnock | 1997 | Continuing care beds moved to the East Ayrshire Community Hospital in Cumnock |
Girvan Hospital | 1998 | No longer offered in-patient maternity services from 1998 |
Isle of Arran Memorial Hospital | 2000 | Ceased to have an island-based surgeon and anaesthetist in 2000 to ensure compliance with new guidelines from the Royal College of Surgeons. |
Strathlea Resource Centre | 2004 | Services for people with a learning difficulty moved to Arroll Park Resource Centre in Ayr with 16 new assessment and treatment beds for people with a learning disability |
Holmhead Hospital | 2005 | Continuing care beds moved to the East Ayrshire Community Hospital in Cumnock |
Brooksby Hospital, Largs | 2006 | Continuing care beds closed |
Ayr Hospital | 2006 | Children''s in-patient services moved from Ayr Hospital to Crosshouse Hospital |
Ayrshire Central Hospital | 2006 | Maternity services moved to Ayrshire Maternity Unit at Crosshouse |