- Asked by: Claire Baker, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Current Status:
Answered by Elena Whitham on 29 September 2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has produced a workforce development framework with an ongoing implementation plan, as included at action point 1c in the updated Rights, Respect and Recovery Action Plan 2019-2021, which was published in December 2020, for (a) drugs and (b) alcohol.
The launch of our National Mission on Drugs in January 2021 has meant that some of the commitments set out in the Rights, Respect, Recovery Strategy and the action plan for it, refreshed in December 2020, are being delivered in a different way.
In July 2022 the Scottish Drugs Deaths Taskforce ‘Changing Lives’ Report, was published. This report recommended that The Scottish Government should develop a workforce action plan. In response to this recommendation, Scottish Government’s Drugs and Alcohol Workforce Action Plan will shortly be published, setting out the steps we will take to address prevailing challenges.
- Asked by: Claire Baker, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Current Status:
Answered by Elena Whitham on 29 September 2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether effective protocols are in place between alcohol and drug services and mental health services to improve access and pathways for those who experience this co-morbidity, as included at action point 11b in the updated Rights, Respect and Recovery Action Plan 2019-2021, which was published in December 2020.
Rights, Respect and Recovery sets a clear expectation that all people accessing services with a substance use condition should receive holistic, person-centred care. MAT standard 9 builds upon this, stating that ‘all people with co-occurring drug use and mental health difficulties can receive mental health care at the point of MAT delivery.’ The government is taking forward a number of measures to ensure that people with co-occurring mental health and substance use conditions receive this joined-up care.
We have funded Healthcare Improvement Scotland to test new models of care in five health boards – Tayside, Grampian, Lanarkshire, Greater Glasgow & Clyde, and Lothian.
The government also published a rapid review into mental health and substance use services in November 2022. This included a literature review, a survey of practitioners in substance use services, and a set of recommendations.
Finally, the government has recently commissioned Healthcare Improvement Scotland to produce an exemplar protocol which will set out how mental health and substance use services should work together. This will build on existing best practice and support local areas to implement the recommendations from the rapid review and the criteria of the MAT standards.
- Asked by: Claire Baker, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Current Status:
Answered by Elena Whitham on 29 September 2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has developed an integrated response to the education, volunteering and employment needs of people recovering from alcohol and drug problems through the No One Left Behind strategy, as included at action point 11e in the updated Rights, Respect and Recovery Action Plan 2019-2021, which was published in December 2020.
No One Left Behind is the Scottish Government’s approach to transforming employment support in Scotland. This strategy is tailored and responsive to the needs of people of all ages and backgrounds who want help and support on their journey towards and into work - particularly people with health conditions, people with disabilities and others who are disadvantaged in the labour market, including those with lived and living experience of alcohol and drug use.
In January of this year, the Scottish Government published our Cross-Government response to the Drug Deaths Taskforce, ‘Changing Lives’ final report. This response set out our commitment to progress Cross Government work to provide employment support through the No One Left Behind strategy.
Scottish Government’s forthcoming Drugs and Alcohol Workforce Action Plan will provide further information on work underway to support people with lived and living experience of drugs and alcohol use towards, and into work, including roles within the drugs and alcohol sector.
- Asked by: Claire Baker, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Current Status:
Answered by Elena Whitham on 29 September 2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has published an evaluation of National Development Project Fund investments in advocacy, as included at action point 9c in the updated Rights, Respect and Recovery Action Plan 2019-2021, which was published in December 2020.
The National Development Project Fund (NDPF) forms part of Scottish Government's investment in services to reduce problem drugs and alcohol use and reflects the priorities of the Rights, Respect and Recovery strategy. In January 2019, Ten projects were awarded NDPF funding to address gaps in advocacy, family inclusive services, and start-up investment for new approaches to recovery.
In October 2019, the Scottish Government commissioned Iconic Consulting to evaluate the NDPF.
In March 2021, the Scottish Government published an evaluation ( National Development Project Fund (NDPF) - evaluation: final report ) of those projects which were supported through the NDPF. Of the ten projects evaluated, six were Advocacy based.
- Asked by: Claire Baker, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Current Status:
Answered by Elena Whitham on 29 September 2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will establish and evaluate tests of change to improve access to alcohol treatment through the justice system.
At present, we have no plans to establish and evaluate tests of change for alcohol treatment in the justice system.
The Scottish Prison Service is currently refreshing its Alcohol and Drug Recovery Strategy, this will ensure alcohol intervention and support are included in any recovery pathway planning across our establishments. It is anticipated that the strategy will be published later this year.
We are also supporting the UK Government on reviewing and updating clinical guidelines for alcohol treatment. The guidance will look to introduce new approaches to treatment and will apply to a broad range of settings including justice settings. The guidelines are expected to be published for consultation this year.
Following finalisation of the alcohol treatment guidelines, Scottish Government will review and use these to ensure that our justice systems are providing consistent and good care to those with problematic alcohol use.
- Asked by: Claire Baker, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Current Status:
Answered by Elena Whitham on 29 September 2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will publish a paper on improving operational practice to support better health outcomes for people with alcohol problems.
Alcohol remains a priority for Scottish Government and we are treating our policies to reduce alcohol and drug deaths as twin public health emergencies in Scotland.
This is why we established a National Mission to improve and save lives, at the core of which is ensuring that every individual has access to, and choice in the type of recovery and treatment they need.
We are working to ensure people with alcohol use disorder receive the care and support in the same way that people can access for problematic use of drugs. The forthcoming Alcohol Treatment Guidelines will help ensure support for alcohol treatment, in a similar way to how the Medication-Assisted Treatment Standards ensure this for people impacted by opiates.
Following publication of the UK-wide guidelines it is our intention to draft a paper on specific alcohol treatment standards for Scotland.
Through our National Mission we are investing in residential rehabilitation that will benefit people experiencing alcohol and/or drug addiction.
- Asked by: Claire Baker, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Current Status:
Answered by Elena Whitham on 27 September 2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has undertaken a review of the evidence of trends, challenges and interventions for those young people at risk of developing problem drug and alcohol use, as included at action point 4a in the updated Rights, Respect and Recovery Action Plan 2019-2021, which was published in December 2020.
Yes, on 8 November 2021 the Scottish Government published A Review of the Existing Literature and Evidence on Young People Experiencing Harms from Alcohol and Drugs in Scotland.
The review can be found here: A Review of the Existing Literature and Evidence on Young People Experiencing Harms from Alcohol and Drugs in Scotland (www.gov.scot)
- Asked by: Claire Baker, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Current Status:
Answered by Elena Whitham on 27 September 2023
To ask the Scottish Government whether it has developed a comprehensive approach to early intervention amongst young people who are at risk, though deprivation, inequality or other factors of developing problem alcohol and drug use, as included at action point 4 in the updated Rights, Respect and Recovery Action Plan 2019-2021, which was published in December 2020.
In 2021, the Scottish Government formed a working group to develop Action 4 from the Rights, Respect and Recovery Action Plan. The aim of the working group is to ensure that good quality early intervention support services are available across Scotland for young people with emerging problematic drug and alcohol use.
The first phase of this work involved the working group gathering data from a range of sources to understand the size of the problem of younger people using drugs and alcohol as well as risk factors.
In 2022, we commissioned We Are With You to engage with young people in order to learn from their experiences of drug and alcohol use. This engagement has helped the working group to understand young people’s preferences for seeking help and the perceived barriers they face and this insight will aid the development of support for young people at risk from drugs/alcohol harms.
In Spring 2023, the working group began engaging with young people, using a co-design approach, to gather their views of good support. These findings, along with existing international evidence of good practice will be used by the working group to develop standards of support for children and young people.
The working group will outline the minimum principles of support that is required to meet the needs of children and young people and provide early intervention support in a way they want.
- Asked by: Claire Baker, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 17 August 2023
Current Status:
Answered by Christina McKelvie on 29 August 2023
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the UK Government's announcement of additional funding of £5 million to expand Arts Council England’s Supporting Grassroots Music Venues Fund, whether it has considered making a similar investment in Scotland.
The Scottish Government’s ability to respond to the current financial context is limited due to overall UK Government cuts and by the financial restrictions of devolution, requiring extremely hard funding decisions to be made across the budget. The Scottish Government values our culture sector and the contribution of the grassroots music industry to the cultural and economic offer in Scotland. We will continue to work with the sector to identify barriers to recovery, and do everything within our powers and resources to help it overcome these.
- Asked by: Claire Baker, MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 17 August 2023
Current Status:
Answered by Christina McKelvie on 29 August 2023
To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with the UK Government following its announcement of £77 million in new investment as part of the UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport's Creative Industries Sector Vision, and whether it will receive any Barnett consequential funding as a result of the announcement.
I met with the UK Government’s Minister of State for Media, Tourism and Creative Industries on 13 June 2023, to discuss the imminent publication of the UK Department for Culture, Media and Sport’s Creative Industries Sector Vision.
The UK Government have not confirmed if there will be any Barnett consequentials as a consequence of their announcement.