To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a list of any audits that (a) it and (b) its agencies have conducted regarding the impact of current employability support schemes for people with learning disabilities.
The Scottish Government publishes yearly evaluation studies and annual reports of Fair Start Scotland. These contain data on the impact and experience of disabled people, as part of the overall reporting on the service. These evaluations have not specifically or separately considered the experiences and outcomes for people with learning disabilities. All evaluation reports relating to Fair Start Scotland are available on the Scottish Government website and are listed below. The first evaluation of No One Left Behind is currently underway and a report will be published in early Summer 2023. This will not specifically consider the experiences of people with learning disabilities.
Tables which accompany the quarterly publication Scotland’s Devolved Employment Services: statistical summary provide equalities information for participants on Fair Start Scotland, which includes data for disabled people and people with learning disabilities. The data reporting template for people receiving support through No One Left Behind has recently been expanded to capture where people have a learning disability, learning difficulty, autism spectrum disorder and other developmental disorders (such as ADHD). This data will be published as part of the quarterly statistical reporting in due course.
We have also undertaken a review of Individual Placement and Support (IPS) and of Supported Employment to identify areas of improvement and make recommendations on future delivery of these two forms of specialist employability support in Scotland. These reviews, along with Scottish Government responses, were also published on our website and are listed below.
Evaluation reports for Fair Start Scotland
Implementation Review:
Fair Start Scotland evaluation report 1: implementation and early delivery review
Evaluation Report 2
Overview Report:
Fair Start Scotland evaluation report 2: overview of year one - November 2019
Participant Phone Survey:
Fair Start Scotland evaluation report 2: participant phone survey - November 2019
Local Area Case Studies:
Fair Start Scotland evaluation report 2: local area case studies - November 2019
Evaluation Report 3
Overview Report:
Fair Start Scotland - evaluation report 3: year two - overview
Participant Phone Survey:
Fair Start Scotland - evaluation report 3: participant phone survey - year 2
Local Area Case Studies:
Fair Start Scotland - evaluation report 3: local area case studies - year 2
Annual Evaluation Report 4
Overview Report:
Fair Start Scotland: evaluation report 4 - year 3 overview
Participant Phone Survey:
Fair Start Scotland: evaluation report 4 - participant phone survey - year 3
Local Area Case Studies:
Fair Start Scotland: evaluation report 4 - local area case studies - year 3
Economic Evaluation:
Fair Start Scotland: economic evaluation
Individual Placement and Support Review
Fair Start Scotland - individual placement and support review: findings
Support Employment Review
Supported employment: review report and Scottish Government response
The Scottish Government recognises the importance of robust data and caveated evidence to build understanding of the inequalities experienced by people with learning disabilities.
Therefore, we have been collaborating with our partners through the Keys to Life, the Scottish Strategy for Autism and the Towards Transformation Plan to take forward research to better understand the daily lives of people with learning disabilities and autistic people and the inequalities/barriers they face.
The Scottish Government has also commissioned the Scottish Learning Disabilities Observatory (SLDO) to understand the health equalities and barriers faced by people with learning disabilities. SLDO reports and their methods can be found on their website.
Similarly, the Scottish Commission for Learning Disability (SCLD) also produced a variety of evidence-based reports to inform the development of policy around experience of people with learning disabilities including employment, hate crime, health, social care, parenting and human rights. Through the pandemic SCLD also produced the How's Life Survey and provides a snapshot of the lives of people with learning disabilities through the pandemic. They also work alongside Public Health Scotland to produce routine Learning Disability Statistics Scotland using census data.
The Scottish Government is committed to ensuring people with learning disabilities have access to data that is important to them, including evidence about employment and employability in Scotland.
To achieve this Scottish Government are working with our partners to refocus data collection efforts to encompass the whole life journey through a Learning Disability and Autism Data Action Plan.