To ask the Scottish Executive how many students entered Scottish universities in each year from 2000-01, broken down by (a) university and (b) domicile of student.
Table 1 contains the numbers of entrants to Scottish higher education institutions in each year from 2000-01 to 2007-08 by institution, table 2 contains the number of entrants by domicile.
Table 1a. Entrants to Scottish Higher Education Institutions (HEI) by Institution: 2000-01 to 2003-04
| 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 |
All HEIs | 73,875 | 86,210 | 85,285 | 91,680 |
Bell College1 | 0 | 2,425 | 2,500 | 2,435 |
Edinburgh College of Art | 550 | 615 | 575 | 580 |
Glasgow Caledonian University | 5,305 | 6,455 | 6,480 | 6,935 |
Glasgow School of Art | 650 | 460 | 470 | 550 |
Heriot-Watt University | 2,400 | 2,655 | 2,870 | 3,035 |
Napier University | 6,560 | 5,660 | 6,060 | 6,170 |
Northern College of Education2 | 1,460 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh | 2,005 | 2,020 | 2,185 | 1,920 |
Scottish Agricultural College | 450 | 385 | 345 | 425 |
The Open University | 4,880 | 5,555 | 4,325 | 6,000 |
The Robert Gordon University | 4,285 | 4,325 | 4,800 | 4,980 |
The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama | 240 | 260 | 275 | 255 |
The University of Aberdeen | 3,675 | 4,635 | 5,110 | 5,035 |
The University of Dundee | 4,520 | 5,735 | 6,475 | 6,825 |
The University of Edinburgh | 7,730 | 7,710 | 7,980 | 8,555 |
The University of Glasgow | 9,835 | 10,815 | 10,735 | 10,805 |
The University of Paisley3 | 4,470 | 5,175 | 4,605 | 5,760 |
The University of St Andrews | 2,560 | 3,045 | 2,710 | 2,965 |
The University of Stirling | 2,915 | 3,170 | 3,300 | 3,185 |
The University of Strathclyde | 7,140 | 8,575 | 8,350 | 8,950 |
The University of the West of Scotland | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
UHI Millennium Institute4 | 0 | 4,510 | 3,320 | 4,635 |
University of Abertay Dundee | 2,235 | 2,030 | 1,815 | 1,670 |
Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
Figures in this table have been rounded to the nearest 5. 0, 1, 2 have been rounded to 0.
Individual values may not sum to totals due to rounding.
1. Bell College became an HEI during the period 2001-02 and during the period 2007-08 merged with Paisley University to become the University of the West of Scotland.
2. Northern College of Education merged with the Universities of Aberdeen and Dundee during the period 2001-02.
3. Paisley University merged with Bell College during the period 2007-08 to become the University of the West of Scotland.
4. UHI (University of the Highlands and Islands) Millennium Institute became an HEI during the period 2000-01.
Table 1b. Entrants to Scottish Higher Education Institutions by Institution: 2004-05 to 2005-06
| 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 | 2007-08 |
All HEIs | 90,730 | 97,040 | 103,575 | 100,115 |
Bell College1 | 2,250 | 3,130 | 3,530 | 0 |
Edinburgh College of Art | 580 | 610 | 735 | 585 |
Glasgow Caledonian University | 6,300 | 8,155 | 8,270 | 7,550 |
Glasgow School of Art | 465 | 495 | 525 | 590 |
Heriot-Watt University | 3,015 | 3,330 | 3,790 | 3,635 |
Napier University | 5,950 | 5,715 | 5,870 | 6,235 |
Northern College of Education2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh | 2,465 | 2,590 | 2,405 | 2,360 |
Scottish Agricultural College | 475 | 415 | 490 | 560 |
The Open University | 5,085 | 6,715 | 7,730 | 7,280 |
The Robert Gordon University | 5,240 | 5,100 | 5,325 | 5,220 |
The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama | 275 | 275 | 305 | 365 |
The University of Aberdeen | 4,845 | 5,125 | 5,355 | 5,520 |
The University of Dundee | 6,960 | 6,780 | 6,645 | 6,420 |
The University of Edinburgh | 8,240 | 8,755 | 8,695 | 8,975 |
The University of Glasgow | 10,615 | 10,545 | 11,115 | 10,915 |
The University of Paisley3 | 6,970 | 7,400 | 8,640 | 0 |
The University of St Andrews | 3,220 | 3,335 | 3,375 | 3,085 |
The University of Stirling | 2,925 | 3,180 | 4,065 | 3,515 |
The University of Strathclyde | 8,530 | 9,360 | 9,500 | 8,960 |
The University of the West of Scotland | 0 | 0 | 0 | 11,235 |
UHI Millennium Institute4 | 4,480 | 4,195 | 5,280 | 5,230 |
University of Abertay Dundee | 1,850 | 1,840 | 1,930 | 1,885 |
Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
Figures in this table have been rounded to the nearest 5. 0, 1, 2 have been rounded to 0.
Individual values may not sum to totals due to rounding.
1. Bell College became an HEI during the period 2001-02 and during the period 2007-08 merged with Paisley University to become the University of the West of Scotland.
2. Northern College of Education merged with the Universities of Aberdeen and Dundee during the period 2001-02.
3. Paisley University merged with Bell College during the period 2007-08 to become the University of the West of Scotland.
4. UHI (University of the Highlands and Islands) Millennium Institute became an HEI during the period 2000-01.
Table 2a. Entrants to Scottish Higher Education Institutions by domicile: 2000-01 to 2003-04
| 2000-01 | 2001-02 | 2002-03 | 2003-04 |
All domiciles | 73,875 | 86,210 | 85,285 | 91,680 |
Scotland | 57,015 | 67,525 | 64,810 | 70,085 |
England | 5,640 | 5,980 | 5,770 | 5,860 |
Wales | 175 | 190 | 200 | 215 |
Northern Ireland | 1,670 | 1,720 | 1,835 | 1,650 |
Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
UK Unknown1 | 65 | 150 | 395 | 255 |
Other EU2 | 3,765 | 3,895 | 4,235 | 4,705 |
Non-EU Europe | 650 | 605 | 640 | 680 |
Non-European | 4,740 | 5,975 | 7,360 | 8,180 |
Non-EU unknown | 5 | 20 | 45 | 50 |
Other Unknown | 150 | 150 | 0 | 0 |
Total UK | 64,570 | 75,570 | 73,005 | 78,060 |
Total non-UK | 9,305 | 10,645 | 12,280 | 13,615 |
Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
Figures in this table have been rounded to the nearest 5. 0, 1, 2 have been rounded to 0.
Individual values may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Domicile: region of the entrant''s permanent or home address prior to entry to the course.
1. Prior to 2004-05 entrants from Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man were included in the category UK unknown.
2. EU data includes accession countries according to EU membership at the start of each academic year.
Table 2b. Entrants to Scottish Higher Education Institutions by domicile: 2004-05 to 2007-08
| 2004-05 | 2005-06 | 2006-07 | 2007-08 |
All domiciles | 90,730 | 97,040 | 103,575 | 100,115 |
Scotland | 68,240 | 72,275 | 75,825 | 72,140 |
England | 6,045 | 6,805 | 6,675 | 7,020 |
Wales | 205 | 225 | 220 | 250 |
Northern Ireland | 1,525 | 1,530 | 1,520 | 1,460 |
Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man1 | 50 | 75 | 75 | 70 |
UK Unknown1 | 110 | 80 | 145 | 485 |
Other EU2 | 5,110 | 5,595 | 6,245 | 6,485 |
Non-EU Europe | 445 | 470 | 565 | 550 |
Non-European | 8,955 | 9,955 | 12,245 | 11,640 |
Non-EU unknown | 45 | 35 | 55 | 15 |
Other Unknown | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total UK | 76,180 | 80,990 | 84,460 | 81,425 |
Total non-UK | 14,550 | 16,050 | 19,110 | 18,690 |
Source: Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
Figures in this table have been rounded to the nearest 5. 0, 1, 2 have been rounded to 0.
Individual values may not sum to totals due to rounding.
Domicile: region of the entrant''s permanent or home address prior to entry to the course.
1. Prior to 2004-05 entrants from Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man were included in the category UK unknown.
2. EU data includes accession countries according to EU membership at the start of each academic year.