To ask the Scottish Executive whether the film, An Inconvenient Truth, and supporting materials were assessed against any safeguards that exist to prevent the exposure of children to (a) political bias and (b) scientific inaccuracy or misrepresentation in the classroom before they were sent to schools.
The responsibilityfor the management and delivery of the curriculum is a matter for education authoritiesand head teachers, or in the case of independent schools, the boards of governorsand head teachers. It is, therefore, for each individual school to decide whetherand if so how, to use the teaching resource developed by Learning and Teaching Scotlandto support pupils’ study of climate change which includes this film.
The prime intentionof the Climate Change Educational Resource, developed by Learning and Teaching Scotlandin conjunction with the Sustainable Development Education Liaison Group, is to encouragediscussion and debate for senior pupils (S5 to S6) on the local and internationalissues surrounding climate change, to raise awareness and stimulate debate.
It should be notedthat all registered teachers in Scotland are subjectto the terms of the revised Standard for Full Registration, published by the GeneralTeaching Council for Scotland (GTCS) in September 2007, which puts in place a frameworkof reflective professional judgement and values combined with compliance with localauthority guidelines and policies. In serious individual instances of deliberatepolitical bias, or exposure of pupils to scientific inaccuracy or misrepresentation,matters could be addressed through existing disciplinary procedures at employerand/or regulatory level.
GTCS will be undertakinga full consultation on a new and wide-ranging Code of Professionalism and Conduct to be introduced in 2008.This will set out the key principles and professional standards for registered teachersin Scotland, embodies the need to comply with the Standardfor Full Registration and any future guidance issued by the GTC Scotland.