To ask the Scottish Executive what information it has on what countries have voting rights on the executive committee of the North Sea Regional Advisory Council and how many votes each country has.
The North Sea Regional Advisory Council (NSRAC) General Assembly put forward the organisations listed below to its Executive Committee on 4 November 2004. Each organisation with a seat on the Executive Committee will have one vote except for the Danmarks Fiskeriforening and the Stichting van de Nederlandse Visserij who will have two, to allow them equal voting rights with the UK and France who have two fishing organisations each on the committee.
Fishing interests
UK (Scotland): Scottish Fishermen’s Federation,
UK: National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations,
Denmark: Danmarks Fiskeriforening,
Netherlands: Stichting van de Nederlandse Visserij,
France : Comité National des Pêches Maritimes et des Elevages Marins,
France : Union des Armateurs á la Pêche de France,
Belgium: Rederscentrale,
Germany: Deutscher Fischerei Verband,
Sweden: Sveriges Fiskares Riksforbund,
Spain : Federación Española de Organizaciones Pesqueras,
Poland : Polish North Atlantic Producers Association,
EU: European Organisation for Fish Traders,
EU: European Association of Fishing Ports and Auctions, and
EU: European Transport Worker’s Federation.
Other interests
Seas at Risk,
World Wide Fund for Nature,
BirdLife International,
Federation of European Aquaculture Producers,
European Anglers’ Alliance,
North Sea Women’s Network, and
European Fishing Tackle Trade Association.
There remains a vacancy for consumer organisation on the Executive Committee of the North Sea RAC.