To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will detail all available public sources of (a) further and (b) higher education student support.
Information is not held centrally on all available public sources of further and higher education student support. A variety of sources of public funding are available to Scottish students, and students studying in Scotland, depending on the type, level, mode and place of study. Bodies from whom public funding is available include the Scottish Executive, Further Education Colleges, Higher Education Institutions, Local Authorities, the Further and Higher Education Funding Councils, the United Kingdom Research Councils, United Kingdom Government Departments and the European Commission. A wide range of public sector bodies also provide support to students from public funds in their capacity as employers.
The Scottish Executive has published information on the support available for students in higher education through the Student Awards Agency for Scotland. Copies of the booklets have been placed in the Parliament's Reference Centre. In addition to detailing the funding available from SAAS, these booklets also highlight the main additional sources of support. In further education, information on the discretionary support provided by each institution is published by each Further Education college.
In cases where applicants are not eligible for the support payable by the Student Awards Agency for Scotland, advice is always provided about other types of support which may be available to them. These include Career Development Loans, discretionary bursaries from Local Authorities and Individual Learning Accounts.