- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 27 May 2002
Current Status:
Answered by Allan Wilson on 28 May 2002
To ask the Scottish Executive what the terms of reference will be of the policy and financial management review of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
The Executive is committed to ensuring that each public body is subject to a regular policy and financial management review. A review of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) will start in June 2002. The terms of reference for the review will be:To examine the role and functions of the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and the effectiveness and efficiency with which these functions are carried out. The review will:consider how effectively SEPA has performed since it was established and seek the views of a range of stakeholders on its performance;consider how well SEPA responds to the policies and priorities of the Scottish ministers and if the level of delegation to SEPA from the Scottish Executive is sufficient and appropriate;examine the role of SEPA in relation to other bodies with responsibilities for environmental protection and regulation;identify ways of improving the service that SEPA provides to local communities and regulated organisations;examine the policies and practices of SEPA in relation to the charges it levies for its regulatory service;look at ways of improving the system of environmental permits and emissions monitoring, andidentify the key issues that need to be addressed to allow SEPA to meet the challenges posed by the shifting focus of environmental legislation.The review will be expected to make recommendations to the Scottish ministers in all of the key areas outlined above.The review will be informed by other relevant reviews, in particular the recent quinquennial review of the Environment Agency in England and Wales and the December 2000 Audit Scotland report A Measure of Protection.These terms of reference take account of the outcome of the 2001 Public Bodies Review, which concluded that there was no fundamental change needed to the functions and structure of SEPA. The Public Bodies Review made cross-cutting recommendations relevant to all public bodies; the implementation of these recommendations in relation to SEPA will be considered as part of the review.As an essential part of the review process, officials will be consulting widely with interested parties. It is intended to hold a stakeholder event early in the review to help define the detailed scope and identify the key questions to be answered in the review, within the broad terms of reference.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 07 May 2002
Current Status:
Answered by Allan Wilson on 20 May 2002
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will define and quantify the "equitable contribution" to the UK Kyoto target referred to in the indicator of sustainable development for Scotland on climate change in its document Meeting the Needs... Priorities, Actions and Targets for Sustainable Development in Scotland.
We have agreed with the UK Government that emission reductions, required to meet the UK Kyoto commitment, can be delivered by working in partnership. The policy measures, through which we will deliver our contribution, are set out in the Scottish Climate Change Programme.Data published in Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland: 1990-1999 (available on the Scottish Executive climate change website at: www.scotland.gov.uk/climatechange) shows the Scottish contribution amounts to a 5% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions since 1990.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 08 May 2002
Current Status:
Answered by Jim Wallace on 16 May 2002
To ask the Scottish Executive what progress is being made on the reform of charity law.
I refer the member to the answer given to question S1W-24449 on 24 April 2002.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 25 February 2002
Current Status:
Answered by Margaret Curran on 13 May 2002
To ask the Scottish Executive what energy efficiency targets have been built into any evaluation process for proposals for housing stock transfer to housing associations in Edinburgh.
Councils, tenants and acquiring landlords will, where appropriate, consider energy efficiency improvements when developing transfer proposals. The detailed specification of individual proposals is a matter for local consideration.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 11 April 2002
Current Status:
Answered by Allan Wilson on 9 May 2002
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it intends to expand its Community Leadership and Climate Change in Scotland document by introducing the full Councils for Climate Protection programme.
The Executive is awaiting the outcome of the Councils for Climate Protection pilot in England and Wales, due to be completed later this month. This will inform the on-going consideration the Executive is giving to ways in which it can further engage with Scottish local authorities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 11 April 2002
Current Status:
Answered by Andy Kerr on 9 May 2002
To ask the Scottish Executive whether there are plans to provide annual Greening Government reports from each of its departments.
The Scottish Executive's first annual Greening Government report Our Impact on the Environment published in December 2001 summarised the environmental performance of the Executive as a whole. There are no plans to produce annual Greening Government reports from each of its departments.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 11 April 2002
Current Status:
Answered by Ross Finnie on 16 April 2002
To ask the Scottish Executive when it intends to announce its sustainable development indicators.
We will publish a Scottish Executive statement on sustainable development soon. This document will include a list of the indicators we will adopt to monitor progress towards sustainable development.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 25 March 2002
Current Status:
Answered by Iain Gray on 26 March 2002
To ask the Scottish Executive when it will announce the local authority housing capital allocations for 2002-03.
I am able to announce the local authority housing capital allocations for 2002-03. These are set out in the following table.Capital Allocation Allocations 2002-03
Authority | ProposedAllocations(£m) |
Aberdeen City | 5.293 |
Aberdeenshire | 4.495 |
Angus | 1.536 |
Argyll and Bute | 1.607 |
Clackmannanshire | 1.597 |
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar | 1.701 |
Dumfries and Galloway | 2.125* |
Dundee City | 8.436 |
East Ayrshire | 3.489 |
East Dunbartonshire | 2.388 |
East Lothian | 2.510 |
East Renfrewshire | 0.964 |
City of Edinburgh | 14.916 |
Falkirk | 5.369 |
Fife | 7.007 |
Glasgow City | 22.000* |
Highland | 7.230 |
Inverclyde | 3.965 |
Midlothian | 2.122 |
Moray | 1.848 |
North Ayrshire | 2.953 |
North Lanarkshire | 12.330 |
Orkney Islands | 0.224 |
Perth and Kinross | 2.108 |
Renfrewshire | 8.565 |
Scottish Borders | 0.400* |
Shetland | 1.000* |
South Ayrshire | 2.906 |
South Lanarkshire | 5.858 |
Stirling | 3.048 |
West Dunbartonshire | 5.657 |
West Lothian | 2.097 |
Scotland | 147.744 |
Note:*. Reduced allocations due to expected housing stock transfer during 2002-03 (subject to tenant ballot). Supplementary allocations will be made available later in the year, to cover the period to the actual date of transfer.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 21 February 2002
Current Status:
Answered by Ross Finnie on 21 March 2002
To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to promote research and development in respect of energy efficient technologies like solar panels and photo-voltaic cells.
Research funding for renewable energy is a reserved matter. However, the Scottish Executive is committed to the promotion and development of renewable energy, covering a range of sizes and different technologies. This is currently done under the Scottish Clean Energy Demonstration Scheme, which has already funded a photo-voltaic project. We are currently considering other ways of supporting community renewable developments throughout Scotland.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 21 February 2002
Current Status:
Answered by Nicol Stephen on 21 March 2002
To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to set energy efficiency targets for education institutions.
We currently have no such plans.