- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 23 March 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Allan Wilson on 21 April 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive whether there will be any overlap between EU proposals on environmental liability and any liability regime that the Executive will introduce to address issues relating to GM crops.
The draft EU Directive on EnvironmentalLiability establishes liability for environmental damage to protected species andhabitats resulting from a range of activities, including the release of GMorganisms. It does not cover damage to private property or any economic loss, forexample losses arising from GM contamination of non-GM crops. It is this issue whichthe Executive will seek to address in its consultation on co-existence.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 24 March 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Nicol Stephen on 1 April 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive what support it will provide for improving access at Haymarket station.
We are considering, alongwith Network Rail, the Strategic Rail Authority and the City of Edinburgh Council, how best to improve Haymarket Station. Better access to the station ispart of that consideration.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 08 March 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Mary Mulligan on 31 March 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive what discussions it has had with Her Majesty's Government in respect of the Sustainable Buildings Task Group.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 29 March 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Lewis Macdonald on 30 March 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive when it will make an announcement on the proposal to extend the Fasnakyle hydroelectric generating station near Cannich by Beauly in Inverness-shire.
I can announce that the Scottish Ministers have granted consent on this proposal in terms of section 36of the Electricity Act 1989. Additionally this consent carries deemed planningpermission in terms of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland)Act 1997.
This announcement follows aconsultation process which involved environmental groups, government bodies andthe local authority. Highland Council supported this proposal as it is anadditional contribution to renewable energy resources which is supported bytheir planning policies.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 17 March 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Peter Peacock on 25 March 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive whether there is any regional variation in the rates by which school rolls will fall.
Yes, there are wide variations in the rates at which pupil rolls decline in the future between local authorities.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 11 March 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Nicol Stephen on 25 March 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will make funding available to improve access at Haymarket Station.
I shall reply to the Member as soon as possible.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 09 March 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Mary Mulligan on 23 March 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made in monitoring the implementation of the Building Standards (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2001 in relation to its sustainable development objectives.
The Executive will monitorand review the effectiveness of the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations2001 within the time-scale set out in the Regulatory Impact Assessment. Toobtain a building warrant all new buildings must comply with the higherstandards set out in the regulations.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 09 March 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Mary Mulligan on 23 March 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made in monitoring the implementation of the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 in relation to its sustainable development objectives.
The Building (Scotland)Act 2003 will not come fully into force before spring 2005.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 08 March 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Peter Peacock on 22 March 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made in implementing the sustainable development criteria requirements for school PPP projects as set out in Building a Better Scotland.
The commitment in Buildinga Better Scotland is continued in Partnership for a Better Scotland, whichindicates that new schools should demonstrate commitment to the highestdesign and environmental standards. This is being taken forward through theSchool Estate Strategy. Building our Future: Scotland’s School Estate includessustainable development as a key element in the shaping of the future schoolestate. The Executive has also held two national conferences focusing on theschool estate which have highlighted examples of environmentally friendlydesign and encouraged authorities to use Green Public Private Partnerships, aguidance note on how to include environmental considerations within PPPprojects.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Friday, 05 March 2004
Current Status:
Answered by Allan Wilson on 18 March 2004
To ask the Scottish Executive what the timescale is for the review of the Scottish climate change programme.
It is proposed to time thereview to coincide with a UK Government review of the UK Climate ChangeProgramme, to which the Scottish Programme contributes. The UK Programme reviewwill commence soon and we expect it to conclude later in 2004.