- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 21 September 2005
Current Status:
Answered by Lewis Macdonald on 29 September 2005
To ask the Scottish Executive how it will ensure sufficient supply of NHS staff in the fields of ophthalmology and audiology.
Last month wepublished a new framework for workforce planning that sets out the actions requiredat national, regional and NHS health board levels. Boards are required to developtheir specific workforce plans early next year.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 05 September 2005
Current Status:
Answered by Tavish Scott on 22 September 2005
To ask the Scottish Executive whether the third generation term maintenance contracts for management and maintenance of the Scottish trunk road network will include provision for the regular inspection and maintenance of those sections of cycle route that are located (a) adjacent to trunk roads and (b) within the trunk road boundary.
Provision for the regular inspection and maintenance of those cycle routes for which the Scottish Executives Roads Authority has been included in these contracts.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 07 September 2005
Current Status:
Answered by Nicol Stephen on 21 September 2005
To ask the Scottish Executive when the Scottish-based student income and expenditure survey will be published.
The Scottish survey on students income, expenditure and debt 2004-05 will be published in November 2005.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 05 September 2005
Current Status:
Answered by Patricia Ferguson on 15 September 2005
To ask the Scottish Executive whether the third generation term maintenance contracts for management and maintenance of the Scottish trunk road network will include provision for the regular inspection and maintenance of those sections of cycle route which are located (a) adjacent to trunk roads and (b) within the trunk road boundary.
The information requested is not held centrally. It is for local authorities to determine their level of facility provision according to local needs and priorities and how best to fund facility development which may be under the new prudential regime for local authority capital, utilising the sports facilities and swimming pools element of their total revenue grant or a combination of funding sources. The Executive has committed over £28 million of Exchequer funding to support the development of a range of facilities being developed through the National and Regional Sports Facilities Strategy.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 07 September 2005
Current Status:
Answered by Rhona Brankin on 8 September 2005
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has considered the report of the public local inquiry into the Water of Leith Flood Prevention Scheme.
The report of the public local inquiry has identified a number of shortcomings in the scheme and recommended modifications. As a result, ministers now propose modifications but will consider representations before making a final decision.
As required by the Flood Prevention (Scotland) Act 1961, the Executive will be writing over the coming week to intimate the terms of the proposed modifications to all parties concerned who will have three months to comment.
I share the public’s disappointment that the council’s scheme cannot be confirmed yet but it is important that we arrive at the right scheme to protect homes and businesses from flooding from the Water of Leith.
I am placing copies of the report of the public local inquiry, the accompanying technical report and the terms of the proposed modifications in the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (Bib. numbers 37378, 37379 & 37382) and also on the Scottish Executive website:
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 16 August 2005
Current Status:
Answered by Malcolm Chisholm on 7 September 2005
To ask the Scottish Executive what the estimated number of houses with unfilled cavity walls is and what level of CO2 emissions this represents, expressed in metric tons of carbon (MtC).
I have asked Angiolina Foster, Chief Executive of Communities Scotland, to respond. Her response is as follows:
The Scottish House Condition Survey 2002 (SHCS2002) estimated that approximately 780,000 dwellings with cavity walls had no additional insulation or only partial additional insulation.
It is estimated that approximately 1.1 million tonnes of CO2 per year would be saved if all cavities were insulated.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 16 August 2005
Current Status:
Answered by Allan Wilson on 7 September 2005
To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to publish an energy efficiency strategy.
The Scottish Executive announced on 7 December 2004 its plans to publish an energy efficiency strategy for Scotland. The strategy will set a framework, define objectives and create a more joined–up approach for energy efficiency interventions by the Executive. We expect to publish the strategy later this year.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Wednesday, 17 August 2005
Current Status:
Answered by Malcolm Chisholm on 29 August 2005
To ask the Scottish Executive what targets it has set in each year and in total from 2005 to 2010 and beyond to provide cavity wall insulation in houses with unfilled cavity walls.
We install cavity wall insulation through the Warm Deal and the central heating programme. We have not set targets for cavity wall installation, principally because these programmes are demand-led. The future of the Warm Deal and central heating programmes beyond 2006 is currently under consideration.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 07 July 2005
Current Status:
Answered by Robert Brown on 3 August 2005
To ask the Scottish Executive what physical area is designated as children’s play space in each local authority area.
Each local authority decideson its own spatial standards for children’s play space in public areas, andeach local authority will also make different requirements of developers. TheNational Playing Fields Association has produced the six acre standard forguidance on space standards.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 07 July 2005
Current Status:
Answered by Patricia Ferguson on 3 August 2005
To ask the Scottish Executive what physical area is taken up by golf courses in each local authority area.
The estimated physical area taken up by golf courses in each local authority area is shown in the following table. It should be noted that they do not include driving ranges or short “pitch and putt” type courses. The areas are in hectares and are calculated using the Scottish Executive Planning Advice Note No. 43 - Golf Courses and Associated Developments. Using that guidance, a set range is applied to calculate the minimum and maximum area of a course: for a 9 hole course (ie 20 - 30 hectares) and for a 18 hole course (ie 50 - 70 hectares). The table expresses the total hectare coverage as a minimum, maximum and average for all 9 and 18 hole courses in each local authority area.
Council | 18 hole | 9 hole | Total Min Area | Total Max Area | Ave Area |
Aberdeenshire | 29 | 13 | 1,710 | 2,420 | 2,065 |
Angus | 16 | 1 | 820 | 1,150 | 985 |
Argyll and Bute | 10 | 18 | 860 | 1,240 | 1,050 |
City of Aberdeen | 11 | 4 | 630 | 890 | 760 |
City of Dundee | 4 | 1 | 220 | 310 | 265 |
City of Edinburgh | 22 | 5 | 1200 | 1690 | 1445 |
City of Glasgow | 7 | 2 | 390 | 550 | 470 |
Clackmannanshire | 3 | 5 | 250 | 360 | 305 |
Dumfries and Galloway | 19 | 12 | 1,190 | 1,690 | 1,440 |
East Ayrshire | 4 | 4 | 280 | 400 | 340 |
East Dunbartonshire | 16 | 1 | 820 | 1150 | 985 |
East Lothian | 17 | 2 | 890 | 1250 | 1070 |
East Renfrewshire | 9 | 0 | 450 | 630 | 540 |
Falkirk | 4 | 2 | 240 | 340 | 290 |
Fife | 36 | 12 | 2,040 | 2,880 | 2,460 |
Highland | 23 | 21 | 1,570 | 2,240 | 1,905 |
Inverclyde | 5 | 0 | 250 | 350 | 300 |
Midlothian | 4 | 2 | 240 | 340 | 290 |
Moray | 12 | 3 | 660 | 930 | 795 |
North Ayrshire | 17 | 5 | 950 | 1,340 | 1,145 |
North Lanarkshire | 16 | 2 | 840 | 1,180 | 1,010 |
Orkney Islands | 2 | 1 | 120 | 170 | 145 |
Perth and Kinross | 23 | 15 | 1,450 | 2,060 | 1,755 |
Renfrewshire | 9 | 0 | 450 | 630 | 540 |
Scottish Borders | 13 | 10 | 850 | 1,210 | 1,030 |
Shetland Islands | 2 | 1 | 120 | 170 | 145 |
South Ayrshire | 16 | 2 | 840 | 1,180 | 1,010 |
South Lanarkshire | 15 | 7 | 890 | 1,260 | 1,075 |
Stirling | 6 | 4 | 380 | 540 | 460 |
West Dunbartonshire | 4 | 2 | 240 | 340 | 290 |
West Lothian | 9 | 4 | 530 | 750 | 640 |
Western Isles | 1 | 4 | 130 | 190 | 160 |
Totals (Scotland) | 384 | 165 | 22,500 | 31,830 | 27,165 |