- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 23 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Michael Russell on 10 August 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S3W-1057 by Michael Russell on 27 June 2007, whether it will include within its transposition provision the extension of the environmental liability directive to cover nationally-important wildlife and habitats, in light of the recommendations of the UK Parliament’s Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee’s report, Implementation of the Environmental Liability Directive - Sixth Report of Session 2006–07.
I refer the member to the answerto question S3W-2304 answered on 10 August 2007. All answers to written parliamentaryquestions are available on the Parliament's website the search facility forwhich can be found at:
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Friday, 20 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 7 August 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the answer to question S3W-1420 by Stewart Stevenson on 20 July 2007, whether bus and tram options will be considered in the planning work for a new Forth crossing.
Options to include buses andtrams on the crossing are still under consideration as part of the on-goingplanning work.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Friday, 20 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Linda Fabiani on 7 August 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has received any representations from the City of Edinburgh Council or the Festival Theatre Trust in respect of the future of the Kings Theatre, Edinburgh, and, if so, how it responded.
The Scottish Government hasreceived no representations from either the City of Edinburgh Council or the Festival Theatre Trust concerning the future of the King’sTheatre, Edinburgh.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 12 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by John Swinney on 30 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will build in consideration of the implications of carbon emissions in the strategic spending review announced on 28 June 2007.
Along with my CabinetSecretary and Ministerial colleagues, I will be in dialogue with a range ofstakeholders over the summer to gather evidence and views on how we can use thestrategic spending review to set plans that will enable us to fulfil ourpurpose and achieve our strategic objectives. Reducing carbon emissions will bepart of that consideration.
Parliament will play itsrole in scrutinising the Government’s spending plans after we have announcedthem later in the autumn.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 12 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 24 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive what consideration it has given to the implications of carbon emissions in the review of strategic transport projects.
The Strategic TransportProjects Review is being undertaken in accordance with the Scottish TransportAppraisal Guidance. Carbon emission is one of the performance indicators beingconsidered in the appraisal process.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 12 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 24 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive whether the carbon emissions implications of all options for the new Forth crossing will be a factor in selecting the preferred option.
The environmental impact ofany crossing will be one of the factors which will be considered when selectingthe preferred option.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 12 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 24 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive what weight it will give to carbon emissions when selecting the preferred option for the Forth crossing.
Carbon emissions will be oneof the factors considered when selecting the preferred option in accordancewith the Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 03 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Michael Russell on 24 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will publish all ministerial directions given in relation to the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c.) Amendment (No. 2) (Scotland) Regulations 2007 when the directions are issued.
The Scottish Executive willpublish any ministerial directions given in relation to the Conservation(Natural Habitats, &c.) Amendment (No. 2) (Scotland) Regulations 2007 asand when any such directions are issued.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Michael Russell on 24 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive what progress has been made since 7 March 2005 in (a) classifying 11 proposed additions to the network of special protection areas and (b) identifying additional areas for the protection of golden eagle habitat and when it expects this programme of work to be completed.
Substantial progress hasbeen made since March 2005. Two new Special Protection Areas (SPAs) and theaddition of a qualifying species on an existing SPA have been classified, andMinisters are considering Scottish Natural Heritage’s (SNH) recommendation forthe classification of one further SPA. Consultation has been completed on threenew proposed sites and one extension to an existing site and SNH are currentlyconsidering the responses. Consideration of the scientific case for theremaining non golden eagle site is almost complete.
SNH are progressing a scientific case for extending theCairngorm and Caenlochan SPAs for golden eagle and is continuing work toidentify additional areas which merit further consideration as SPA for thisspecies.
Progress is subject to the completion of SNH statutoryprocesses and whilst a final decision rests with Ministers, my currentunderstanding is that the programme of additions as announced in March 2005will be substantially complete by 2008.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 03 July 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Richard Lochhead on 23 July 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive when it intends to announce its position on the previous administration’s (a) commitment to set up a working group of stakeholders and officials to consider marine national parks and (b) request to local enterprise companies to consider the economic impact of setting up marine parks, in accordance with their remits.
I recognise that the initialconsultation by the previous administration highlighted the need for furtherwork in addressing significant concerns raised about proposals to establish a coastaland marine national park.
I am currently consideringhow and when we will make progress in relation to this work and in the widercontext of the management of our marine environment.