- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 01 September 2008
Current Status:
Answered by Michael Russell on 11 September 2008
To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to increase the number of farmers involved in flood management schemes.
We will introduce a bill to establish a framework within which local authorities can involve stakeholders, including farmers, in managing flood risk.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 01 September 2008
Current Status:
Answered by Michael Russell on 11 September 2008
To ask the Scottish Executive how many farmers are supported financially in providing flood management.
Under the new rural priorities element of the Scotland rural development programme it is possible for farmers and other land managers to apply for funding to carry out activities contributing to flood management. However, at the first assessment round no proposals were approved which address this specific outcome.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Monday, 01 September 2008
Current Status:
Answered by Michael Russell on 11 September 2008
To ask the Scottish Executive what lead it has given to Scottish Water and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency to work together on upstream flood management.
The Scottish Government encourages the Scottish Environment Protection Agency and Scottish Water to work cooperatively with others involved in flood management. We intend to introduce a bill which seeks to establish a framework of duties to ensure that flood management planning is coordinated across a catchment.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 21 August 2008
Current Status:
Answered by Jim Mather on 10 September 2008
To ask the Scottish Executive why the supply of a portion of green energy was last in the list of objectives in the request for information from prospective electricity suppliers.
Market participants were requested to provide information on a number of issues. The list was in no specific order.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 21 August 2008
Current Status:
Answered by Jim Mather on 10 September 2008
To ask the Scottish Executive why it has not specified in its request for information from prospective electricity suppliers that 100% of the electricity must come from renewable sources.
Market indicators have suggested that the demand for renewable electricity has significantly increased as both public and private sector organisations have sought to demonstrate green credentials. This has resulted in supplies of renewable electricity being constrained in the market place both in terms of total availability and the quantities available from individual suppliers. The request for information process therefore sought information from the market on availability of renewable electricity to inform the strategy for the national electricity contract for the Scottish public sector.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 21 August 2008
Current Status:
Answered by Jim Mather on 10 September 2008
To ask the Scottish Executive what estimates have been carried out to ascertain what financial difference will be made by not specifying the requirement for 100% renewable energy in the contract currently out for tender for supply of electricity to the public sector as compared with its current electricity supply contract.
It has been estimated that the impact of renewable premiums on the electricity contract currently out to tender could be as high as 10%. Renewable premiums are subject to the balance of supply and demand at any particular time and the position will only become clear when tender responses are received.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 21 August 2008
Current Status:
Answered by Jim Mather on 10 September 2008
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will set a minimum percentage for electricity supply from renewable sources below which it will not accept a bid for the contract currently out to tender for the supply of electricity to the public sector.
Information gathered from market sources has indicated that specifying specific quantities of renewable electricity can lead to reduced competition. The upturn in demand for renewable electricity has resulted in reduced quantities being readily available leading to an increased risk that few, if any, suppliers could meet a large demand from the Scottish public sector.
The national contract tender contains provisions to ensure that access to renewable electricity is not dependent on the renewable supplies available from any particular supplier at the time of submitting their tender. Innovative contract terms will ensure that other sources of supply can be accessed as necessary.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 21 August 2008
Current Status:
Answered by Stewart Stevenson on 10 September 2008
To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to ensure that road drainage systems are improved to cope with current and future heavy or prolonged rainfall.
I refer the member to the answer to question S3W-15712 on 8 September 2008. All answers to written parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament''s website, the search facility for which can be found at
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 21 August 2008
Current Status:
Answered by Jim Mather on 10 September 2008
To ask the Scottish Executive whether its reference to “small scale renewables initiatives and opportunities to sell electricity into the grid”, in its news release of 18 August 2008, means that it will ensure that the SNP manifesto commitment that all public buildings benefit from renewable energy is delivered.
Progress is being made on realising the renewable capability across the public sector in a number of ways:
Through the Scottish Government''s Leading By Example programme we are ensuring all parts of the public sector play an exemplary role in pioneering new greener behaviours. Generating more sustainable low carbon energy through renewables is an important element of the programme;
We have extended the public sector fund to allow it to be used to support renewable technologies as well as energy efficiency;
We have tripled funding for community and microgeneration, with £13.5 million available each year compared to the previous administration''s £4.5 million;
We are more actively promoting the UK Government''s Low Carbon Building Programme which provides grants to the public sector for renewable technologies, and
We are introducing dedicated School Development Officers to support the deployment of renewable technologies in schools.
The national contract arrangements will help facilitate the development of renewable generation by ensuring appropriate tariffs are set for surplus electricity generated by public sector bodies fed back into the national grid, and thus support business cases for the installation of such technologies.
- Asked by: Sarah Boyack, MSP for Edinburgh Central, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 21 August 2008
Current Status:
Answered by Jim Mather on 10 September 2008
To ask the Scottish Executive what proportion of the electricity bought for the public sector under the contract currently out to tender will come from renewable sources.
The national contract will give public sector organisations the option to buy renewable electricity dependant on availability and payment of appropriate premiums.
The overall portion of renewable electricity purchased will therefore depend on the quantities specified by individual public bodies in line with their own policy and budget priorities.