To ask the Scottish Executive whether it will support alternative training programmes to replace those that will be lost as a result of the reduction in the Fairer Scotland Fund.
Edinburgh is being supported by the Scottish Government in a number of ways to help deliver employability initiatives.
On 14 December 2010, the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning Michael Russell announced £64.6 million ESF grant towards 21 strategic projects worth £168 million. A joint bid from Edinburgh and Midlothian Councils received £3.96 million directly from this allocation. They will also benefit from targeted local funding from a number of the other strategic bidders including the Scottish Funding Council, STUC, Skills Development Scotland and a Third Sector Consortium bid.
The bids are being supported over two years from 2011 onwards and will deliver employability and training services for the unemployed, the lowest paid and the socially deprived, ranging from early engagement through to in-work support and skills development. The organisations will all be involved in the delivery of the strategic skills programme which fits with the Scottish Government''s Skills Strategy and Economic Recovery Programme.
City of Edinburgh and Midlothian Councils are also working jointly to deliver a higher support needs consortium, which focuses on providing personalised support to people with disabilities and long-term health issues to ensure they are able to acquire and sustain employment. The project has received ESF support twice since 2008, with ESF awards totalling £1.78 million (Total project costs of £3.97 million). The current project will be supported by ESF until September 2012.