To ask the Scottish Executive how it will ensure that the victim's interests are taken into account when considering whether a home detention curfew is applied.
The Scottish Executive is keen to ensure that decisions to release prisoners on Home Detention Curfew (HDC) take account of victims’ interests as far as possible. The mechanism for taking account of these will be a robust risk assessment process, which all prisoners considered for HDC will be subject to.
All decisions on whether to grant HDC will have regard to protecting the public, as specified in the bill. The majority of prisoners likely to be granted HDC will be short-term prisoners. For the small group of long-term prisoners who might also be granted HDC, victims who have joined the Victim Notification Scheme will be told of their imminent release.
The risk assessment for HDC will draw on a variety of information, primarily from the Scottish Prison Service, and criminal justice, and community social workers. This will identify whether there are any victim issues that decision-makers should be aware of that might preclude release, or which require special conditions to be included in the licence.
An additional safeguard which takes account of victims’ interests, is the exclusion of some categories of offender from HDC, including those serving an indeterminate sentence and those on the sex offender register. The exclusions are specified on the face of the bill.
HDC will not be granted to any prisoner who might pose a risk to those they would be living with, or who might pose a risk to the community more generally.