To ask the Scottish Executive how much funding has been allocated for crime prevention to (a) Argyll and Bute Council and (b) West Dunbartonshire Council in each year since 1999.
We have funded a range of measureswhich contribute to crime prevention including Make our Communities Safer Challenge Competition, the Community Safety Partnership Award Programme, AntisocialBehaviour funding and our investment in record numbers of police officers.
Underthe Make our Communities Safer Challenge Competition which ended in March 2002,the awards detailed in the following table were made:
Argylland Bute
Year | Project | Award |
1998-99 | Rothesay Town Centre CCTV | £63,300 |
1999-2000 | | £0 |
2000-01 | Campbeltown CCTV | £9,500 |
2001-02 | Dunoon New Community Schools | £8,100 |
West Dunbartonshire
Year | Project | Award |
1998-99 | | £0 |
1999-2000 | Dumbarton Town Centre CCTV | £160,000 |
2000-01 | New Bonhill CCTV | £140,000 |
2001-02 | Clydebank Trust CCTV Youth Shelters | £129,440 £18,500 |
On1 April 2002 we introduced a new Community Safety Partnership (CSP)Award Programme for all local authority-led CSPs. The programme assists CSPs toidentify and address their local community safety priorities, including crime prevention.The awards for 2002-03 onwards are set out in the following table:
Year | Argyll and Bute | West Dunbartonshire |
2002-03 | £84,127 | £118,491 |
2003-04 | £78,465 | £122,875 |
2004-05 | £87,609 | £120,508 |
2005-06 | £75,097.39 | £108,594 |
2006-07 | £75,097.39 | £108,594 |
Argylland Bute and West Dunbartonshire Community Planning Partnerships have been allocatedfunding to tackle antisocial behaviour over the period 2004-08 as set out in thefollowing table. This has included funding for a range of initiatives, which includemeasures that can contribute to crime prevention, such as community wardens.
Year | Argyll and Bute | West Dunbartonshire |
2004-05 | £184,000 | £1,364,000 |
2005-06 | £204,700 | £1,513,550 |
2006-07 | £247,000 | £1,765,000 |
2007-08 | £260,000 | £1,900,000 |
PoliceGAE funding is paid directly to Strathclyde Joint Police Board and it is for theChief Constable of Strathclyde Police to decide on the best use of the funding availableto him. The amount of police GAE allocated to Strathclyde Police in each year since1999 is shown in the following table.
Year | Police GAE (£000) |
1998-99 | 328,336 |
1999-2000 | 339,260 |
2000-01 | 352,183 |
2001-02 | 370,940 |
2002-03 | 389,140 |
2003-04 | 421,023 |
2004-05 | 444,070 |
2005-06 | 476,424 |
2006-07 | 496,307 |