To ask the Scottish Executive what action it takes to promote positive mental health for young people.
The mental well-being of childrenand young people is a cross-Executive priority with action underway in a range ofareas of policy and practice. Getting it Right for Every Child is the Executive’sover-arching programme of reform for children’s services which will ensure thatall agencies working with young people will join up, plan together and meet allthe needs of the child. Many schools involved in the Schools of Ambition programmeare tackling improvements in pupil confidence and self-esteem as part of their whole-schooltransformation.
The Scottish Health PromotingSchools Unit (SHPSU) is working to ensure that every school works toward becominga health promoting school by 2007. The Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition)(Scotland) Bill, currently being considered by parliament, is intended to buildon this work and go further by placing health promotion - including the promotionof positive mental health - at the heart of all schools’ activities.
Children and Young People’s Mental Health: A Framework for Promotion, Preventionand Care, which was published in 2005, established an integrated approach to positive mentalhealth promotion, prevention of mental illness and early care and treatment of mentalhealth problems amongst children and young people in health, education and socialservices.
Improvingthe mental health of children and young people is one of the six priority areasfor action under the Executive’s National Programme for Improving Mental Healthand Well-being.
These key interventions designedto promote the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people are supporteddirectly and indirectly by a range of other initiatives, funded by the Executive.