- Asked by: Jackie Baillie, MSP for Dumbarton, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 17 May 2007
Current Status:
Answered by John Swinney on 5 June 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive which executive agencies and quangos it intends to abolish or otherwise change in this session of the Parliament.
As I announced during thedebate on our Approach to Government, a criticalelement of our approach to simpler, smaller government is to declutter thelandscape, in particular with reference to executive agencies and non-departmentalpublic bodies. I plan to discuss this with the people who are involved inpublic services, to build consensus within Parliament that the public sectorlandscape has become too complicated and to reassess the relationship betweenthe Executive its agencies and public bodies. Specific proposals will flow fromthose discussions and reassessment.
- Asked by: Jackie Baillie, MSP for Dumbarton, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Thursday, 17 May 2007
Current Status:
Answered by John Swinney on 5 June 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive what savings have been identified in the (a) civil service and (b) ministerial team as a consequence of the changes made to departmental structures and to what extent these savings are real or notional.
Changes made to departmentalstructures will result in real savings of a minimum of £300,000 per year in thecivil service and a minimum of £230,000 per year in terms of ministerialchanges. Further savings are likely to become apparent over time. A number ofScottish Executive staff have been redeployed to other duties.
- Asked by: Jackie Baillie, MSP for Dumbarton, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Nicola Sturgeon on 1 June 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive what services it considers to be core hospital services.
There is no definitive listof core services although our manifesto expressly included accident andemergency and maternity services as services that the public would expect tohave local access to. Of course, all services must be able to be deliveredsafely and sustainably within available resources.
- Asked by: Jackie Baillie, MSP for Dumbarton, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Nicola Sturgeon on 31 May 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the comments made by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing to the BBC on 20 May 2007, what weight will be given to patient need and public opinion when considering NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde's plan to downgrade the Vale of Leven Hospital.
It is imperative thatNHS boards engage with patients and the public,and that their views are fully taken into account, as proposals for service changeare developed. I have made clear that I will introduce a process of independentscrutiny of boards’ proposals before these are issued for public consultation. Iam currently considering how this will be undertaken and will make an announcementsoon. I can confirm, however, that any proposals for significant service changeat the Vale of Leven Hospital will be subject to independent scrutiny.
I have responsibility for makingfinal decisions on any proposals for significant service change. I have made clearthat in considering future proposals I will operate a presumption against centralisationof services. This does not mean that there will be no changes to health servicesin the future. However, any NHS board that submits proposals for service reconfigurationmust persuade me that their case is robust, that all possible alternatives havebeen considered, and that due weight has been given to both patient need and publicopinion.
In coming to a conclusion onany proposals for change from NHS boards that are put before me, I will give fullconsideration to the representations made to me and to the report from the ScottishHealth Council on boards’ engagement and public consultation exercises.
- Asked by: Jackie Baillie, MSP for Dumbarton, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Nicola Sturgeon on 31 May 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the comments made by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing to the BBC on 20 May 2007, who will be on the independent scrutiny panel to consider NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde's plans to downgrade the Vale of Leven Hospital.
I refer the member to the answer to question S3W-35 on 31 May 2007. All answers towritten parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament’s website. The searchfacility for this can be found at:
- Asked by: Jackie Baillie, MSP for Dumbarton, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Nicola Sturgeon on 31 May 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive how it intends to keep healthcare local, following NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s plans to downgrade the Vale of Leven Hospital and transfer services to the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley.
I refer the member to the answer to question S3W-35 on 31 May 2007. All answers towritten parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament’s website. The searchfacility for which can be found at:
- Asked by: Jackie Baillie, MSP for Dumbarton, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Nicola Sturgeon on 31 May 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it is aware of any members of the community engagement panel involved in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s review of services at the Vale of Leven Hospital who are satisfied with the process or the outcome of that review.
I refer the member to the answer to question S3W-35 on 31 May 2007. All answers towritten parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament’s website. The searchfacility for which can be found at
- Asked by: Jackie Baillie, MSP for Dumbarton, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Nicola Sturgeon on 31 May 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive whether it has received a report from the Scottish Health Council on the community engagement process undertaken by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde in the review of services at the Vale of Leven Hospital.
I refer the member to the questionS3W-35 answered on 31 May 2007. Allanswers to written parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament’swebsite. The search facility for which can be found at:
- Asked by: Jackie Baillie, MSP for Dumbarton, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Nicola Sturgeon on 31 May 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive what different models for anaesthetics provision have been considered to sustain services at (a) urban, (b) rural and (c) semi-rural hospitals.
Individual NHS boards are responsible for designing safeand sustainable services that meet the needs of their local population. In doingso, NHS boards reflect policy guidance provided by the Scottish Executive and relevantclinical guidelines and professional requirements.
- Asked by: Jackie Baillie, MSP for Dumbarton, Scottish Labour
Date lodged: Tuesday, 22 May 2007
Current Status:
Answered by Nicola Sturgeon on 31 May 2007
To ask the Scottish Executive, further to the comments made by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing to the BBC on 20 May 2007, how the plan to downgrade the Vale of Leven Hospital will be independently scrutinised.
I refer the member to the answer to question S3W-35 on 31 May 2007. All answers towritten parliamentary questions are available on the Parliament’s website. The searchfacility for which can be found at