To ask the Scottish Executive what system is in place to ensure that roadworks are properly managed and disruption is minimised.
When carrying outroadworks, roads authorities are expected to comply with the Code of Practice
DeliveringBest Value in Highway Maintenance. This Code of Practice has been prepared by the Institutionof Highways and Transportation and is endorsed by, amongst others, the ScottishExecutive, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities and the Society of ChiefOfficers of Transportation in Scotland.
Utility Companiessuch as gas and electricity suppliers also carry out roadworks and are requiredto comply with the statutory Code of Practice – Safety at street works and road works issued jointly by the Scottish Executive, theDepartment for Transport and the Welsh assembly Government.
The New Roads andStreet Works Act 1991 requires utilities to serve notice on roads authorities givingadvance intimation on all proposed road works and reinstatements. It further requiresroads authorities to keep a register of road works in roads for which they are responsible.Information submitted by utility companies is circulated to other utility companiesso that, where possible, they may co-ordinate road works.
Provisions containedin the Transport (Scotland) Act 2005 will further improve the co-ordinationand planning of road works. Measures include new requirements for improving thequality of information submitted and the appointment of a Scottish Road Works Commissionerwho can impose penalties in the event of systematic failure to comply.