Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.
Urgent Questions aren't included in the Question and Answers search. There is a SPICe fact sheet listing Urgent and emergency questions.
Displaying 9007 questions Show Answers
To ask the Scottish Government whether any revised guidance on NHS service changes has been shared with Healthcare Improvement Scotland - Community Engagement, previously known as the Scottish Health Council, and, if so, when this took place.
To ask the Scottish Government for what reason families are reportedly experiencing delays of up to six months or more in being awarded Child Disability Payment, and what plans it has to urgently address any such delays.
To ask the Scottish Government what analysis it has made of the Child Disability Payment assessment and award process, whether any issues have been identified, including in relation to (a) process (i) delays and (ii) consistency and (b) the implementation of the Special Rules, and how it plans to address any such issues.
To ask the Scottish Government for what reason revised guidance on major NHS service changes has reportedly not been consulted on or published.
To ask the Scottish Government how it is monitoring (a) access to and (b) uptake of the Young Patients Family Fund broken down by (i) condition, (ii) age and (iii) NHS board area.
To ask the Scottish Government what services have transferred from University Hospital Ayr to University Hospital Crosshouse, whether on a temporary or permanent basis, since January 2023.
To ask the Scottish Government what services are planned for transfer from University Hospital Ayr to University Hospital Crosshouse in the next three years.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will consider a review of the short-term lets regulatory framework to meet the policy objectives of short-term let licensing in a manner that will not damage the tourism sector, as proposed by the Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers.
To ask the Scottish Government whether the temporary transfer of the three level 3 intensive care unit (ICU) beds from University Hospital Ayr to University Hospital Crosshouse will be reversed, and, if so, when.
To ask the Scottish Government how many of the interim care home beds, announced in January 2023, are still being used as of 1 April 2023.