Parliamentary questions can be asked by any MSP to the Scottish Government or the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body. The questions provide a means for MSPs to get factual and statistical information.
Urgent Questions aren't included in the Question and Answers search. There is a SPICe fact sheet listing Urgent and emergency questions.
Displaying 9007 questions Show Answers
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide a timeline for the full implementation of the Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will increase the number of student places available on nursing courses at Scottish universities.
To ask the Scottish Government, in light of the findings of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) report, The Nursing Workforce in Scotland, how it will reverse the 20.6% reduction of learning disability nursing support workers in NHS Scotland.
To ask the Scottish Government how it will improve data gathering in order to better inform NHS workforce planning.
To ask the Scottish Government what action it will take to ensure that registered nurses and nursing support workers have access to (a) fair pay, (b) good employment terms and (c) safe working conditions.
To ask the Scottish Government what its response is to the finding in the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) report, The Nursing Workforce in Scotland, that 73% of RCN members worked over their contracted hours at least once a week, with over half of respondents reporting that these additional hours were unpaid.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on the review of Agenda for Change.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will provide an update on what actions it is taking to avoid a formal dispute on pay with trade unions representing junior doctors in Scotland.
To ask the Scottish Government what discussions it has had with the Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association (HCSA) in relation to avoiding potential strike action by junior doctors in Scotland.
To ask the Scottish Government whether it will meet with the Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association (HCSA) and Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) as part of pay discussions to prevent a junior doctor strike in Scotland.