To ask the Scottish Executive what plans it has to improve leadership in schools.
The recent Her Majesty’s Inspectorateof Education report,
Improving Scottish Education, highlighted that leadershipis good or very good in over 80% of our schools. The Executive is determined tobuild on this successful performance to improve leadership in all schools and therebyincrease pupil attainment and achievement.
The Executive is undertakinga wide range of initiatives aimed at improving leadership in Scottish education.Some of the priority areas that we are addressing are:
Designing and developing flexibleapproaches to meeting the Standard for Headship;
Supporting the development ofleadership capacity at all levels of the education system;
Increasing the mentoring andcoaching capacity in Scottish education;
Establishing additional supportand development mechanisms for headteachers who are new in post;
Supporting local authoritiesin leadership succession planning, and
Accessing and sharing best practicefrom Scotland, the rest of the UK and international.